Microbiota-mediated colonization resistance: mechanisms and regulation
A dense and diverse microbial community inhabits the gut and many epithelial surfaces.
Referred to as the microbiota, it co-evolved with the host and is beneficial for many host …
Referred to as the microbiota, it co-evolved with the host and is beneficial for many host …
The human symbiont Mucispirillum schaedleri: causality in health and disease
Trillions of bacteria inhabit the mammalian gastrointestinal tract. In the majority of hosts,
these symbionts contribute largely to beneficial functions promoting microbe-host …
these symbionts contribute largely to beneficial functions promoting microbe-host …
Unravelling the collateral damage of antibiotics on gut bacteria
Antibiotics are used to fight pathogens but also target commensal bacteria, disturbing the
composition of gut microbiota and causing dysbiosis and disease. Despite this well-known …
composition of gut microbiota and causing dysbiosis and disease. Despite this well-known …
Gut microbiota participates in polystyrene microplastics-induced hepatic injuries by modulating the gut–liver axis
Dietary pollution by polystyrene microplastics (MPs) can cause hepatic injuries and
microbial dysbiosis. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the major polyphenol in green tea …
microbial dysbiosis. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the major polyphenol in green tea …
Klebsiella oxytoca inhibits Salmonella infection through multiple microbiota-context-dependent mechanisms
The Klebsiella oxytoca species complex is part of the human microbiome, especially during
infancy and childhood. K. oxytoca species complex strains can produce enterotoxins …
infancy and childhood. K. oxytoca species complex strains can produce enterotoxins …
Indole-3-acetic acid alters intestinal microbiota and alleviates ankylosing spondylitis in mice
J Shen, L Yang, K You, T Chen, Z Su, Z Cui… - Frontiers in …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a systemic, chronic, and inflammatory autoimmune disease
associated with the disorder of intestinal microbiota. Unfortunately, effective therapies for AS …
associated with the disorder of intestinal microbiota. Unfortunately, effective therapies for AS …
Lycium ruthenicum Anthocyanins Attenuate High‐Fat Diet‐Induced Colonic Barrier Dysfunction and Inflammation in Mice by Modulating the Gut Microbiota
Scope Gut barrier dysfunction and inflammation originating from a dysbiotic gut microbiota
(GM) are strongly associated with a high‐fat diet (HFD). Anthocyanins from Lycium …
(GM) are strongly associated with a high‐fat diet (HFD). Anthocyanins from Lycium …
Akkermansia muciniphila ameliorates acetaminophen-induced liver injury by regulating gut microbial composition and metabolism
J **a, L Lv, B Liu, S Wang, S Zhang, Z Wu… - Microbiology …, 2022 - journals.asm.org
The gut microbiota drives individual sensitivity to excess acetaminophen (APAP)-mediated
hepatotoxicity. It has been reported that the bacterium Akkermansia muciniphila protects …
hepatotoxicity. It has been reported that the bacterium Akkermansia muciniphila protects …
In vitro interaction network of a synthetic gut bacterial community
A key challenge in microbiome research is to predict the functionality of microbial
communities based on community membership and (meta)-genomic data. As central …
communities based on community membership and (meta)-genomic data. As central …
MAIT cells monitor intestinal dysbiosis and contribute to host protection during colitis
Y El Morr, M Fürstenheim, M Mestdagh… - Science …, 2024 - science.org
Intestinal inflammation shifts microbiota composition and metabolism. How the host monitors
and responds to such changes remains unclear. Here, we describe a protective mechanism …
and responds to such changes remains unclear. Here, we describe a protective mechanism …