[HTML][HTML] Description of a new and widely distributed species of Bathypathes (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Antipatharia: Schizopathidae) previously misidentified as …
For many years an undescribed species of the genus Bathypathes has been misidentified as
Bathypathes alternata Brook, 1889 (a species currently re-assigned to the genus …
Bathypathes alternata Brook, 1889 (a species currently re-assigned to the genus …
Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on aquatic environment and fishing community: Boon or bane?
COVID-19 pandemic is a serious threat for mankind having an extensive socio-economic
impact. However, it is considered as an unfortunate event with some positive environmental …
impact. However, it is considered as an unfortunate event with some positive environmental …
Ensemble modelling to predict the distribution of vulnerable marine ecosystems indicator taxa on data‐limited seamounts of Cabo Verde (NW Africa)
B Vinha, FJ Murillo, M Schumacher… - Diversity and …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Seamounts are conspicuous geological features with an important ecological role and
can be considered vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs). Since many deep‐sea regions …
can be considered vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs). Since many deep‐sea regions …
The north-east Atlantic margin: a review of the geology, geography, oceanography, and vulnerable megabenthic ecosystems of the continental slope of Ireland and …
The Irish–Scottish margin is geologically and oceanographically heterogeneous. Source
waters of subpolar and subtropical origin interact with banks, seamounts, submarine canyon …
waters of subpolar and subtropical origin interact with banks, seamounts, submarine canyon …
[HTML][HTML] Hydrography and food distribution during a tidal cycle above a cold-water coral mound
Cold-water corals (CWCs) are important ecosystem engineers in the deep sea that provide
habitat for numerous species and can form large coral mounds. These mounds influence …
habitat for numerous species and can form large coral mounds. These mounds influence …
[HTML][HTML] Feedbacks between hydrodynamics and cold-water coral mound development
Cold-water corals rely on currents to transport food towards them and when external
conditions are favourable, they can form coral mounds. These structures, which can be over …
conditions are favourable, they can form coral mounds. These structures, which can be over …
Light and temperature drive the distribution of mesophotic benthic communities in the Central Indian Ocean
Aim Research on mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs) has increased exponentially in
recent decades, and the significance of this ecosystem has been recognised both in terms of …
recent decades, and the significance of this ecosystem has been recognised both in terms of …
Rugosity and blocking indices of artificial reefs and their correlations with wake volume
Like aquatic habitats in nature, artificial reefs (ARs) have been investigated to determine
whether their complexity affects species diversity. Moreover, studies have been carried out …
whether their complexity affects species diversity. Moreover, studies have been carried out …
[HTML][HTML] Testing side-scan sonar and multibeam echosounder to study black coral gardens: a case study from Macaronesia
Black corals (order Antipatharia) are important components of mesophotic and deep-water
marine communities, but due to their inaccessibility, there is limited knowledge about the …
marine communities, but due to their inaccessibility, there is limited knowledge about the …
“Hidden” biodiversity: a new amphipod genus dominates epifauna in association with a mesophotic black coral forest
S Navarro-Mayoral, B Gouillieux… - Coral Reefs, 2024 - Springer
Black corals are important components of mesophotic and deep-water marine habitats. Their
presence at great depths (eg, 50 to 200 m) makes accessibility difficult, limiting our …
presence at great depths (eg, 50 to 200 m) makes accessibility difficult, limiting our …