Design and implementation of overcurrent protection relay
Protective relays have been designed with different technologies resulting in
electromechanical, solid-state, and numerical devices. Speed and reliability are the two …
electromechanical, solid-state, and numerical devices. Speed and reliability are the two …
A fuzzy-controlled differential evolution integrated static synchronous series compensator to enhance power system stability
K Juneja - IETE Journal of Research, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is the fact device that provides stable and
controlled power transmission. The unequal load, power disturbances, and fault can cause …
controlled power transmission. The unequal load, power disturbances, and fault can cause …
Power flow control in parallel transmission lines based on UPFC
MY Suliman, MT Al-Khayyat - Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and …, 2020 - mail.beei.org
The power flow controlled in the electric power network is one of the main factors that
affected the modern power systems development. The unified power flow controller (UPFC) …
affected the modern power systems development. The unified power flow controller (UPFC) …
[PDF][PDF] Active and reactive power flow management in parallel transmission lines using static series compensation (SSC) with energy storage
MY Suliman - International Journal of Electrical and Computer …, 2019 - academia.edu
The power flow controlled in the electric power network is one of the main factors that
affected the modern power systems development. The Static Series Compensatior with …
affected the modern power systems development. The Static Series Compensatior with …
Power balance and control of transmission lines using static series compensator
Parallel of transmission line system can be utilised for flow the power from a generating units
to the load center in a meshed lines of power system grid. Distribution line currents flow in …
to the load center in a meshed lines of power system grid. Distribution line currents flow in …
PQ & DQ Based Shunt Active Power Filter with PWM & Hysteresis Techniques.
Power quality is mainly affected by any deviation in voltage, current, or frequency that results
in damage, upset, or failure of end-use equipment. Non-linear loads like power electronics …
in damage, upset, or failure of end-use equipment. Non-linear loads like power electronics …
[PDF][PDF] Discrimination Between Inrush and Internal Fault Currents in Protection Based Power Transformer using DWT.
MY Suliman, MT Al-Khayyat - International Journal on Electrical …, 2021 - researchgate.net
Inrush currents in electric power transformers are nonsinusoidal, high currents in magnitude
that are generated due to saturation of flux in the transformer core during the energization …
that are generated due to saturation of flux in the transformer core during the energization …
[PDF][PDF] Neuro fuzzy based SSSC for active and reactive power control in AC lines with reduced oscillation
MT Al-Khayyat, MY Suliman - Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2021 - pe.org.pl
The FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System) devices have been considered as excellent
controllers in a power system for better reliability and transmission capacity on a long-term …
controllers in a power system for better reliability and transmission capacity on a long-term …
Performance improvement of stand-alone induction generator using distribution SSC for wind power application
Self-excited induction generators (SEIGs) are used in wind turbine system because of high
reliability, rigidity, simple structure, and capability to work under severe badly operating …
reliability, rigidity, simple structure, and capability to work under severe badly operating …
[PDF][PDF] Reactive power enhancement of dfig based on statcom for generation of wind energy
The rising significance of wind energy integration in power systems is attributed to its
economic advantages. The utilization of Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) in wind …
economic advantages. The utilization of Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) in wind …