Perspectives in machine learning for wildlife conservation
Inexpensive and accessible sensors are accelerating data acquisition in animal ecology.
These technologies hold great potential for large-scale ecological understanding, but are …
These technologies hold great potential for large-scale ecological understanding, but are …
Girona 500 AUV: From survey to intervention
This paper outlines the specifications and basic design approach taken on the development
of the Girona 500, an autonomous underwater vehicle whose most remarkable characteristic …
of the Girona 500, an autonomous underwater vehicle whose most remarkable characteristic …
Intervention AUVs: the next challenge
While commercially available AUVs are routinely used in survey missions, a new set of
applications exists which clearly demand intervention capabilities. The maintenance of …
applications exists which clearly demand intervention capabilities. The maintenance of …
Monitoring of benthic reference sites: using an autonomous underwater vehicle
We have established an Australia-wide observation program that exhibits recent
developments in autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) systems to deliver precisely …
developments in autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) systems to deliver precisely …
Toward autonomous exploration in confined underwater environments
In this field note, we detail the operations and discuss the results of an experiment
conducted in the unstructured environment of an underwater cave complex using an …
conducted in the unstructured environment of an underwater cave complex using an …
Visual inspection of hydroelectric dams using an autonomous underwater vehicle
This paper presents an automated solution to the visual inspection problem of hydroelectric
dams. A small autonomous underwater vehicle, controllable in four degrees of freedom …
dams. A small autonomous underwater vehicle, controllable in four degrees of freedom …
Reconfigurable AUV for intervention missions: a case study on underwater object recovery
Starting in January 2009, the RAUVI (Reconfigurable Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for
Intervention Missions) project is a 3-year coordinated research action funded by the Spanish …
Intervention Missions) project is a 3-year coordinated research action funded by the Spanish …
Scan matching SLAM in underwater environments
This paper proposes a pose-based algorithm to solve the full simultaneous localization and
map** problem for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) navigating in unknown and …
map** problem for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) navigating in unknown and …
[หนังสือ][B] Underwater SLAM for structured environments using an imaging sonar
Robotics is undergoing a major transformation in scope and dimension. From a largely
dominant industrial focus, robotics is rapidly expanding into human en-ronments and …
dominant industrial focus, robotics is rapidly expanding into human en-ronments and …
[HTML][HTML] Autonomous underwater navigation and optical map** in unknown natural environments
We present an approach for navigating in unknown environments while, simultaneously,
gathering information for inspecting underwater structures using an autonomous underwater …
gathering information for inspecting underwater structures using an autonomous underwater …