Real-time traffic signal control with swarm optimization methods
Real-time traffic signal control is the control methods that control the traffic signal according
to the instant traffic situation. In this paper, it is suggested to optimize the traffic control …
to the instant traffic situation. In this paper, it is suggested to optimize the traffic control …
Archimedes optimization algorithm based approaches for solving energy demand estimation problem: a case study of Turkey
Energy consumption is getting rising gradually around the planet. Therefore, the importance
of energy management has increased for all nations worldwide, and long-term energy …
of energy management has increased for all nations worldwide, and long-term energy …
A physics based novel approach for travelling tournament problem: Optics inspired optimization
Computational intelligence search and optimization algorithms have been efficiently
adopted and used for many types of complex problems. Optics Inspired Optimization (OIO) is …
adopted and used for many types of complex problems. Optics Inspired Optimization (OIO) is …
A new hybrid method based on Aquila optimizer and tangent search algorithm for global optimization
Since no single algorithm can provide the optimal solutions for all problems, new
metaheuristic methods are always being proposed or developed by combining current …
metaheuristic methods are always being proposed or developed by combining current …
A Differential Evolution Algorithm‐Based Traffic Control Model for Signalized Intersections
Sustainable management of traffic flows at signalized intersections is an important issue in
terms of traffic engineering. The minimization of lost time, emission, fuel consumption, etc …
terms of traffic engineering. The minimization of lost time, emission, fuel consumption, etc …
Tuning of optimal classical and fractional order PID parameters forautomatic generation control based on the bacterial swarm optimization
Abstract Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm converges rapidly during the initial stage of a
global search, but around global optimum, the search process slows down. In order to …
global search, but around global optimum, the search process slows down. In order to …
An artificial bee colony algorithm approach for unrelated parallel machine scheduling with processing set restrictions, job sequence-dependent setup times, and due …
The problem dealt with in this study has job sequence-dependent setup times under suitable
machine constraints and due date constraints. The performance criterion for this problem is …
machine constraints and due date constraints. The performance criterion for this problem is …
Kullanım alanlarına göre robot sistemlerinin sınıflandırılması
Geçmişten günümüze robot dünyası incelendiğinde donanımsal ve yazılımsal alanlarda
gerçekleşen atılımlarla robotların, endüstrinin dışında uzay, askeri, tıp, arama kurtarma gibi …
gerçekleşen atılımlarla robotların, endüstrinin dışında uzay, askeri, tıp, arama kurtarma gibi …
A comparison of modified tree–seed algorithm for high-dimensional numerical functions
Optimization methods are used to solve many problems and, under certain constraints, can
provide the best possible results. They are inspired by the behavior of living things in nature …
provide the best possible results. They are inspired by the behavior of living things in nature …
Disturbance rejection performance comparison of PSO and ZN methods for various disturbance frequencies
In this study Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control of brushed DC Motor is analyzed.
The parameters of the PID controller are tuned with two different approaches, namely Ziegler …
The parameters of the PID controller are tuned with two different approaches, namely Ziegler …