Divine compensation? Gender, religiosity, and the link between feeling underpaid and psychological distress

L Upenieks, S Schieman - Review of Religious Research, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Theoretical and empirical work within social psychology has highlighted the impact of the
sense of distributive injustice—the evaluation of unfairness in the distribution of outcomes or …

A decolonial alternative to critical approaches to multicultural and intercultural teacher education

M Vavrus - The SAGE handbook of research on teacher education, 2017 - torrossa.com
A primary goal of critical multicultural teacher education is capacity building for teachers to
gain a sense of their agency to change oppressive conditions in schools (Howard & Aleman …

Public attitudes

S Kumlin, A Goerres, DC Spies - The Oxford handbook of the …, 2021 - books.google.com
ABOUT a decade ago, two overviews of research on attitudes towards the welfare state
appeared in the Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State (Svallfors 2010) and the Oxford …

How parties led by a woman redefine their positions: Empirical evidence for women's green, alternative and libertarian agenda

C Kroeber - European Journal of Political Research, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
This article investigates how the sex of party heads impacts party positions and uncovers
that parties led by a woman modify their stances on sociocultural but not economic debates …

[PDF][PDF] The other side of zakat in poverty reduction: a phenomenology study

A Widyatama, AS Baso, F Haq - Iqtishadia, 2020 - academia.edu
This study aims to understand the phenomenon of zakat given to Mustahiq. The Mustahiq
uses the zakat to increase income through business development so that it can reduce …

Perceived distributive unfairness and mental health: The gender-contingent buffering effects of religion

JH Jung - Society and Mental Health, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
Prior research has established that perceived distributive unfairness is associated with poor
mental health. The purpose of this study is to examine whether religion moderates this …

Attitudes toward women and the influence of gender on political decision making

MK Lizotte - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, 2018 - oxfordre.com
There is a great deal of research, spanning social psychology, sociology, and political
science, on politically relevant attitudes toward women and the influence of gender on …

Societal religiosity and the gender gap in political interest, 1990–2014

JJ Fernandez, AM Jaime‐Castillo… - The British Journal of …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
This manuscript examines the structural causes of the gender gap in political interest. In
many countries, men are more interested in politics than women. Yet, in others, men and …

The moderating role of government heuristics in public preferences for redistribution

N Breznau, L Heukamp… - Journal of European …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
A theory of rational attitude formation suggests public perceptions that income differences
are too large should lead to demands for income redistribution. Public opinion scientists …

Public attitude towards government financial support during the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan

CY Yeh, PY Tsai, YW Ku - Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The COVID-19 pandemic presents an opportunity to study public attitudes towards
government provision of financial support. By focusing on Taiwan, we find that financial …