[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive study of renewable energy sources: Classifications, challenges and suggestions
Renewable energy (RE) is the key element of sustainable, environmentally friendly, and cost-
effective electricity generation. An official report by International Energy Agency (IEA) states …
effective electricity generation. An official report by International Energy Agency (IEA) states …
Progress in full spectrum solar energy utilization by spectral beam splitting hybrid PV/T system
Spectral beam splitting (SBS) hybrid PV/T system was a promising path for utilizing the full
spectrum solar energy to cogenerate electricity and high-grade heat, with high conversion …
spectrum solar energy to cogenerate electricity and high-grade heat, with high conversion …
Progress in silica aerogel-containing materials for buildings' thermal insulation
Silica aerogels hold remarkable properties, particularly their translucence/transparency and
extremely low thermal conductivity and density, for buildings thermal insulation purpose …
extremely low thermal conductivity and density, for buildings thermal insulation purpose …
3D printing double-layer hydrogel evaporator with surface structures for efficient solar steam generation
Solar interfacial evaporation has become promising recently because of the growing
demand for clean water in human society, and improving the evaporation rate of evaporators …
demand for clean water in human society, and improving the evaporation rate of evaporators …
Enhanced photothermal conversion performance of MWCNT/SiC hybrid aqueous nanofluids in direct absorption solar collectors
Nanofluids containing light-absorbing nanoparticles are potential alternative working fluids
in solar collectors. In this work, a novel hybrid aqueous nanofluid containing multi-walled …
in solar collectors. In this work, a novel hybrid aqueous nanofluid containing multi-walled …
Ultra-stable carbon quantum dot nanofluids as excellent spectral beam splitters in PV/T applications
Y **_an_optical-thermal-chemical_model/links/65c443201e1ec12eff7bd52e/Design-and-optimization-of-a-solar-driven-methane-dry-reforming-reactor-by-develo**-an-optical-thermal-chemical-model.pdf" data-clk="hl=lt&sa=T&oi=gga&ct=gga&cd=9&d=12621140646493336052&ei=mRPJZ4CPKNHP6rQPkpvcuQk" data-clk-atid="9LF6XoxMJ68J" target="_blank">[PDF] researchgate.net
Design and optimization of a solar-driven methane dry reforming reactor by develo** an optical-thermal-chemical model
The reactor plays a crucial role in solar-driven methane dry reforming. To improve the
reactor performance, a cavity reactor with a hemispherical porous absorber and a secondary …
reactor performance, a cavity reactor with a hemispherical porous absorber and a secondary …