Maritime communications: A survey on enabling technologies, opportunities, and challenges
Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface, where the steady increase in oceanic activities has
promoted the need for reliable maritime communication technologies. The existing maritime …
promoted the need for reliable maritime communication technologies. The existing maritime …
Routing for disruption tolerant networks: taxonomy and design
Communication networks, whether they are wired or wireless, have traditionally been
assumed to be connected at least most of the time. However, emerging applications such as …
assumed to be connected at least most of the time. However, emerging applications such as …
Optimal control of epidemic evolution
Epidemic models based on nonlinear differential equations have been extensively applied
in a variety of systems as diverse as infectious outbreaks, marketing, diffusion of beliefs, etc …
in a variety of systems as diverse as infectious outbreaks, marketing, diffusion of beliefs, etc …
Optimal patching in clustered malware epidemics
Studies on the propagation of malware in mobile networks have revealed that the spread of
malware can be highly inhomogeneous. Platform diversity, contact list utilization by the …
malware can be highly inhomogeneous. Platform diversity, contact list utilization by the …
Efficient energy and delay tradeoff for vessel communications in SDN based maritime wireless networks
The maritime communication network is assembled by emergent network technologies.
However, the adverse maritime environment impedes the efficiency of resources allocation …
However, the adverse maritime environment impedes the efficiency of resources allocation …
Efficient data traffic forwarding for infrastructure-to-infrastructure communications in VANETs
In this paper, we consider roadside infrastructure-to-roadside infrastructure communications
in a vehicular ad hoc network. A remote roadside unit (RSU), which does not have …
in a vehicular ad hoc network. A remote roadside unit (RSU), which does not have …
Optimal energy-aware epidemic routing in DTNs
In this work, we investigate the use of epidemic routing in energy constrained delay tolerant
networks (DTNs). In epidemic routing, messages are relayed by intermediate nodes at …
networks (DTNs). In epidemic routing, messages are relayed by intermediate nodes at …
Optimal energy-aware epidemic routing in DTNs
In this work, we investigate the use of epidemic routing in energy constrained Delay Tolerant
Networks (DTNs). In DTNs, connected paths between source and destination rarely …
Networks (DTNs). In DTNs, connected paths between source and destination rarely …
Optimal beaconing control for epidemic routing in delay-tolerant networks
Owing to the uncertainty of transmission opportunities between mobile nodes, the routing in
delay-tolerant networks (DTNs) exploits the mechanism of opportunistic forwarding. Energy …
delay-tolerant networks (DTNs) exploits the mechanism of opportunistic forwarding. Energy …
EA-PRoPHET: an energy aware PRoPHET-based routing protocol for delay tolerant networks
BB Bista, DB Rawat - 2017 IEEE 31st International Conference …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In a Delay Tolerant Network (DTN), nodes are intermittently connected. In order to deliver a
message from a source node to a destination node, the message is copied and forwarded to …
message from a source node to a destination node, the message is copied and forwarded to …