Exponential suppression of bit or phase flip errors with repetitive error correction
Realizing the potential of quantum computing will require achieving sufficiently low logical
error rates. Many applications call for error rates in the $10^{-15} $ regime, but state-of-the …
error rates. Many applications call for error rates in the $10^{-15} $ regime, but state-of-the …
Robust quantum gates against correlated noise in integrated quantum chips
As quantum circuits become more integrated and complex, additional error sources that
were previously insignificant start to emerge. Consequently, the fidelity of quantum gates …
were previously insignificant start to emerge. Consequently, the fidelity of quantum gates …
Monitoring fast superconducting qubit dynamics using a neural network
G Koolstra, N Stevenson, S Barzili, L Burns, K Siva… - Physical Review X, 2022 - APS
Weak measurements of a superconducting qubit produce noisy voltage signals that are
weakly correlated with the qubit state. To recover individual quantum trajectories from these …
weakly correlated with the qubit state. To recover individual quantum trajectories from these …
Demonstration of universal control between non-interacting qubits using the Quantum Zeno effect
The Zeno effect occurs in quantum systems when a very strong measurement is applied,
which can alter the dynamics in non-trivial ways. Despite being dissipative, the dynamics …
which can alter the dynamics in non-trivial ways. Despite being dissipative, the dynamics …
Time-dependent Hamiltonian reconstruction using continuous weak measurements
K Siva, G Koolstra, J Steinmetz, WP Livingston, D Das… - PRX Quantum, 2023 - APS
Reconstructing the Hamiltonian of a quantum system is an essential task for characterizing
and certifying quantum processors and simulators. Existing techniques either rely on …
and certifying quantum processors and simulators. Existing techniques either rely on …
Effect of measurement backaction on quantum clock precision studied with a superconducting circuit
We theoretically and experimentally study the precision of a quantum clock near zero
temperature, explicitly accounting for the effect of continuous measurement. The clock is …
temperature, explicitly accounting for the effect of continuous measurement. The clock is …
Quantum Zeno effects across a parity-time symmetry breaking transition in atomic momentum space
We experimentally study quantum Zeno effects in a parity-time (PT) symmetric cold atom gas
periodically coupled to a reservoir. Based on the state-of-the-art control of inter-site …
periodically coupled to a reservoir. Based on the state-of-the-art control of inter-site …
A multi-qubit quantum gate using the Zeno effect
The Zeno effect, in which repeated observation freezes the dynamics of a quantum system,
stands as an iconic oddity of quantum mechanics. When a measurement is unable to …
stands as an iconic oddity of quantum mechanics. When a measurement is unable to …
Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana interferometry of a superconducting qubit in front of a mirror
We investigate the Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana interferometry of a
superconducting qubit in a semi-infinite transmission line terminated by a mirror. The …
superconducting qubit in a semi-infinite transmission line terminated by a mirror. The …
Retrieval of photon blockade effect in the dispersive Jaynes-Cummings model
We propose a reliable scheme to recover the conventional photon blockade effect in the
dispersive Jaynes-Cummings model, which describes a two-level atom coupled to a single …
dispersive Jaynes-Cummings model, which describes a two-level atom coupled to a single …