Structural evolution of the superimposed Provençal and Subalpine fold-thrust belts (SE France)
Highlighting how crustal shortening is accommodated in space and time in fold-thrust belts
is a major issue for understanding the long-term tectonic evolution of orogenic systems. In …
is a major issue for understanding the long-term tectonic evolution of orogenic systems. In …
Deformation and temperature variation along thrust-sense shear zones in the hinterland-foreland transition zone of collisional settings: A case study from the Barbagia …
Abstract In the Internal Zone of a continental collisional orogen, first-order contractional
shear zones accommodate crustal shortening. Structural investigations at different scales …
shear zones accommodate crustal shortening. Structural investigations at different scales …
Reconstructing the Variscan terranes in the Alpine basement: facts and arguments for an Alpidic orocline
M Faure, J Ferrière - Geosciences, 2022 -
The existence of pieces of the Variscan belt in the Alpine basement has been acknowledged
for a long time but the correlation of these massifs to the litho-tectonic domains established …
for a long time but the correlation of these massifs to the litho-tectonic domains established …
Exhumation of deep continental crust in a transpressive regime: The example of Variscan eclogites from the Aiguilles‐Rouges massif (Western Alps)
Mafic eclogites are found in many orogens as lenses embedded in quartzofeldspathic
migmatites. These high‐pressure relics are interpreted either as remnants of ancient sutures …
migmatites. These high‐pressure relics are interpreted either as remnants of ancient sutures …
Late‐orogenic evolution of the southern European Variscan belt constrained by fabric analysis and dating of the Camarat granitic complex and coeval felsic Dykes …
Abstract The Camarat Granitic Complex (CGC), emplaced in the migmatitic Internal Zone of
the Maures–Tanneron Massif (MTM), SE Variscides, consists of the Gigaro granodiorite and …
the Maures–Tanneron Massif (MTM), SE Variscides, consists of the Gigaro granodiorite and …
[HTML][HTML] Kinematics and timing constraints in a transpressive tectonic regime: the example of the Posada-Asinara Shear Zone (NE Sardinia, Italy)
Detailed geological field map**, integrated with meso-and microstructural investigations,
kinematic of the flow and finite strain analyses, combined with geochronology, are …
kinematic of the flow and finite strain analyses, combined with geochronology, are …
[HTML][HTML] Constraining the timing of evolution of shear zones in two collisional orogens: fusing structural geology and geochronology
In recent decades, constraining the timing of shear activity has been one of the main topics
of research about the tectono-metamorphic evolution of orogenic belts. We present a review …
of research about the tectono-metamorphic evolution of orogenic belts. We present a review …
Unravelling the development of regional-scale shear zones by a multidisciplinary approach: The case study of the Ferrière-Mollières Shear Zone (Argentera Massif …
Shear zone behavior is mainly controlled by deformation regime (brittle versus ductile),
deformation temperature, strain rate and magnitude, and rheology of the deformed rocks. If a …
deformation temperature, strain rate and magnitude, and rheology of the deformed rocks. If a …
PT path from garnet zoning in pelitic schist from NE Sardinia, Italy: Further constraints on the metamorphic and tectonic evolution of the north Sardinia Variscan belt
Mylonitic micaschists in the south-eastern sector of the Posada-Asinara Shear Zone in the
Axial Zone of the Sardinia Variscan chain were investigated for the reconstruction of their …
Axial Zone of the Sardinia Variscan chain were investigated for the reconstruction of their …
[HTML][HTML] Submagmatic to solid-state deformation microstructures recorded in cooling granitoids during exhumation of late-Variscan crust in North-Eastern Sicily
Late-Variscan granitoid rocks of trondhjemitic and granitic composition, intruded in
migmatitic paragneisses in the north-eastern Peloritani Mountains (southern Italy) at~ 310 …
migmatitic paragneisses in the north-eastern Peloritani Mountains (southern Italy) at~ 310 …