Structural evolution of the superimposed Provençal and Subalpine fold-thrust belts (SE France)

J Balansa, N Espurt, JC Hippolyte, J Philip… - Earth-Science …, 2022 - Elsevier
Highlighting how crustal shortening is accommodated in space and time in fold-thrust belts
is a major issue for understanding the long-term tectonic evolution of orogenic systems. In …

Deformation and temperature variation along thrust-sense shear zones in the hinterland-foreland transition zone of collisional settings: A case study from the Barbagia …

A Petroccia, R Carosi, C Montomoli, S Iaccarino… - Journal of Structural …, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract In the Internal Zone of a continental collisional orogen, first-order contractional
shear zones accommodate crustal shortening. Structural investigations at different scales …

Reconstructing the Variscan terranes in the Alpine basement: facts and arguments for an Alpidic orocline

M Faure, J Ferrière - Geosciences, 2022 -
The existence of pieces of the Variscan belt in the Alpine basement has been acknowledged
for a long time but the correlation of these massifs to the litho-tectonic domains established …

Exhumation of deep continental crust in a transpressive regime: The example of Variscan eclogites from the Aiguilles‐Rouges massif (Western Alps)

J Vanardois, F Roger, P Trap… - Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Mafic eclogites are found in many orogens as lenses embedded in quartzofeldspathic
migmatites. These high‐pressure relics are interpreted either as remnants of ancient sutures …

Late‐orogenic evolution of the southern European Variscan belt constrained by fabric analysis and dating of the Camarat granitic complex and coeval felsic Dykes …

O Bolle, M Corsini, H Diot, O Laurent, R Melis - Tectonics, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Camarat Granitic Complex (CGC), emplaced in the migmatitic Internal Zone of
the Maures–Tanneron Massif (MTM), SE Variscides, consists of the Gigaro granodiorite and …

[HTML][HTML] Kinematics and timing constraints in a transpressive tectonic regime: the example of the Posada-Asinara Shear Zone (NE Sardinia, Italy)

R Carosi, A Petroccia, S Iaccarino, M Simonetti… - Geosciences, 2020 -
Detailed geological field map**, integrated with meso-and microstructural investigations,
kinematic of the flow and finite strain analyses, combined with geochronology, are …

[HTML][HTML] Constraining the timing of evolution of shear zones in two collisional orogens: fusing structural geology and geochronology

R Carosi, C Montomoli, S Iaccarino, B Benetti… - Geosciences, 2022 -
In recent decades, constraining the timing of shear activity has been one of the main topics
of research about the tectono-metamorphic evolution of orogenic belts. We present a review …

Unravelling the development of regional-scale shear zones by a multidisciplinary approach: The case study of the Ferrière-Mollières Shear Zone (Argentera Massif …

M Simonetti, R Carosi, C Montomoli, RD Law… - Journal of Structural …, 2021 - Elsevier
Shear zone behavior is mainly controlled by deformation regime (brittle versus ductile),
deformation temperature, strain rate and magnitude, and rheology of the deformed rocks. If a …

PT path from garnet zoning in pelitic schist from NE Sardinia, Italy: Further constraints on the metamorphic and tectonic evolution of the north Sardinia Variscan belt

G Cruciani, M Franceschelli, R Carosi, C Montomoli - Lithos, 2022 - Elsevier
Mylonitic micaschists in the south-eastern sector of the Posada-Asinara Shear Zone in the
Axial Zone of the Sardinia Variscan chain were investigated for the reconstruction of their …

[HTML][HTML] Submagmatic to solid-state deformation microstructures recorded in cooling granitoids during exhumation of late-Variscan crust in North-Eastern Sicily

E Fazio, P Fiannacca, D Russo, R Cirrincione - Geosciences, 2020 -
Late-Variscan granitoid rocks of trondhjemitic and granitic composition, intruded in
migmatitic paragneisses in the north-eastern Peloritani Mountains (southern Italy) at~ 310 …