Ageism on LinkedIn: Discrimination towards older applicants during LinkedIn screening
Building on impression formation theories and the stereotype content model, this study
examined age bias in LinkedIn screening, which is an understudied topic despite the aging …
examined age bias in LinkedIn screening, which is an understudied topic despite the aging …
Age bias: A tremendous challenge for algorithms in the job candidate screening process
As societies grow older, a growing percentage of workers over the traditional retirement age
are choosing to remain in the workforce. However, age discrimination against older workers …
are choosing to remain in the workforce. However, age discrimination against older workers …
A tool to systematise discrimination in labour market integration: An application to ageism
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the discourse on labour market
discrimination by introducing an analytical process model that offers a template for the …
discrimination by introducing an analytical process model that offers a template for the …
Late careers and career exits in Norway 1
Early retirement affects the age structure of the work force, reduces the supply of labor and
contributes significantly to financial pressure on the welfare state. In a pay-as-you-go social …
contributes significantly to financial pressure on the welfare state. In a pay-as-you-go social …
The Aging Workforce: Addressing its Challenges Through Development of a Dignified Lives Approach to Equality
P Alon - 2010 - utoronto.scholaris.ca
Against the background of the global demographic shift towards an aging workforce and its
impacts on the labour market and the economy in industrialized societies, this dissertation …
impacts on the labour market and the economy in industrialized societies, this dissertation …
Wat maakt oudere werknemers aantrekkelijk?
S Van der Werff, M Volkerink, A Heyma, P Bisschop - 2012 - dare.uva.nl
Oudere sollicitanten blijken aanmerkelijk minder kans te maken op het vervullen van een
vacature dan jongere sollicitanten, ook bij gelijke geschiktheid. Tegelijkertijd geldt dat het …
vacature dan jongere sollicitanten, ook bij gelijke geschiktheid. Tegelijkertijd geldt dat het …
[PDF][PDF] Wat maakt oudere werknemers aantrekkelijk?
MV Werff, A Heyma, P Bisschop - 2012 - kennisplatformwerkeninkomen.nl
Werkgevers hebben een grote voorkeur voor jongere sollicitanten, waardoor ouderen
moeilijk aan het werk komen. Dat lijkt vooral te worden veroorzaakt door onzekerheid over …
moeilijk aan het werk komen. Dat lijkt vooral te worden veroorzaakt door onzekerheid over …
[CITATION][C] Les discriminations sexo-âgéistes en milieu professionnel: Une étude psychosociale de leurs enjeux et de leurs conséquences individuelles et sociales
É LOUVET - 2015 - Université de Nantes
[CITATION][C] Institut für Strategie-und Unternehmensökonomik Universität Zürich
S Schumacher