[KNJIGA][B] Theories in second language acquisition
B VanPatten, J Williams - 2007 - api.taylorfrancis.com
This book focuses on a number of contemporary mainstream theories in second language
(L2) acquisition research that have generated attention among scholars. Since the mid …
(L2) acquisition research that have generated attention among scholars. Since the mid …
[KNJIGA][B] Implicit and explicit knowledge in second language learning, testing and teaching
R Ellis - 2009 - books.google.com
Implicit/explicit knowledge constitutes a key distinction in the study of second language
acquisition. This book reports a project that investigated ways of measuring implicit/explicit …
acquisition. This book reports a project that investigated ways of measuring implicit/explicit …
Input processing in adult SLA
B VanPatten - Theories in second language acquisition, 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
Imagine the speaker of Spanish learning English. In a conversation or discussion, she hears
someone say,“The police officer was killed by the robber.” Although for the native speaker it …
someone say,“The police officer was killed by the robber.” Although for the native speaker it …
Learner‐based factors in L2 reading comprehension and processing grammatical form: Topic familiarity and working memory
MJ Leeser - Language learning, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
This study examines how topic familiarity and working memory capacity affect beginning
Spanish learners' reading comprehension and their processing of future tense morphology …
Spanish learners' reading comprehension and their processing of future tense morphology …
Form-meaning connections in second language acquisition
B VanPatten, J Williams, S Rott… - … -meaning connections in …, 2004 - taylorfrancis.com
Form-meaning connections (FMCs) have long occupied the interest of second language
acquisition (SLA) researchers. From the early research on acquisition orders to current day …
acquisition (SLA) researchers. From the early research on acquisition orders to current day …
[KNJIGA][B] Input matters in SLA
T Piske, M Young-Scholten - 2008 - books.google.com
This volume bridges the knowledge gap between second language acquisition researchers
and second language pedagogy professionals in its focus on a topic of mutual interest …
and second language pedagogy professionals in its focus on a topic of mutual interest …
Input processing in adult L2 acquisition
B VanPatten - Theories in second language acquisition, 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Input processing (IP) is concerned with the situations, the reason being that acquisition is, to
a certain degree, a by-product of comprehension. IP makes a number of claims about what …
a certain degree, a by-product of comprehension. IP makes a number of claims about what …
Exploring input processing in the classroom: An experimental comparison of processing instruction and enriched input
E Marsden - Language learning, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
The research reported here tests the claim made in the Input Processing approach to
second language (L2) acquisition that interpreting the meaning of language form is essential …
second language (L2) acquisition that interpreting the meaning of language form is essential …
The second language acquisition of French tense, aspect, mood and modality
D Ayoun - 2013 - torrossa.com
The Second Language Acquisition of French Tense, Aspect, Mood and Modality Page 1 John
Benjamins Publishing Company Dalila Ayoun The Second Language Acquisition of French …
Benjamins Publishing Company Dalila Ayoun The Second Language Acquisition of French …
The role of prosody and explicit instruction in processing instruction
This study investigates the role of prosodic cues and explicit information (EI) in the
acquisition of German accusative case markers. We compared 4 groups of 3rd‐semester …
acquisition of German accusative case markers. We compared 4 groups of 3rd‐semester …