Recent progress on bimetallic‐based spinels as electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction
Electrocatalytic water splitting is a promising and viable technology to produce clean,
sustainable, and storable hydrogen as an energy carrier. However, to meet the ever …
sustainable, and storable hydrogen as an energy carrier. However, to meet the ever …
Recent advances in 1D electrospun nanocatalysts for electrochemical water splitting
L Zhang, H Zhao, S Xu, Q Liu, T Li, Y Luo… - Small …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Electrochemical water splitting, as a promising sustainable‐energy technology, has been
limited by its slow kinetics and large overpotential. This shortcoming necessitates the design …
limited by its slow kinetics and large overpotential. This shortcoming necessitates the design …
Non-precious Co3O4-TiO2/Ti cathode based electrocatalytic nitrate reduction: Preparation, performance and mechanism
The presence of high nitrate (NO 3−) concentration in natural water constitutes a serious
issue to the environment and human health. Therefore, the development of low-cost, stable …
issue to the environment and human health. Therefore, the development of low-cost, stable …
Hybrid layered double hydroxides as multifunctional nanomaterials for overall water splitting and supercapacitor applications
Global demand for energy conversion and storage technologies such as fuel cells, water
electrolyzers, batteries, and supercapacitors is increasing, yet their commercial and …
electrolyzers, batteries, and supercapacitors is increasing, yet their commercial and …
Modulating the local coordination environment of single‐atom catalysts for enhanced catalytic performance in hydrogen/oxygen evolution reaction
Single‐atom catalysts (SACs) hold the promise of utilizing 100% of the participating atoms in
a reaction as active catalytic sites, achieving a remarkable boost in catalytic efficiency. Thus …
a reaction as active catalytic sites, achieving a remarkable boost in catalytic efficiency. Thus …
Application of nickel foam-supported Co3O4-Bi2O3 as a heterogeneous catalyst for BPA removal by peroxymonosulfate activation
Nickel foam (NF)-functionalized Co 3 O 4-Bi 2 O 3 nanoparticles (CBO@ NF) synthesized
using a facile one-step microwave-assistant method were employed as catalysts to activate …
using a facile one-step microwave-assistant method were employed as catalysts to activate …
PVP surfactant-modified flower-like BiOBr with tunable bandgap structure for efficient photocatalytic decontamination of pollutants
Designing semiconductor catalysts with superior charge carrier transfer and adequately
exposed reactive sites is crucial for acquiring remarkable photocatalytic activity. Herein, a …
exposed reactive sites is crucial for acquiring remarkable photocatalytic activity. Herein, a …
Recent progress in ZnCo 2 O 4 and its composites for energy storage and conversion: a review
Transition metal oxides have attracted growing attention for application in energy storage
and conversion technologies. In particular, spinel-based materials, such as ZnCo2O4 …
and conversion technologies. In particular, spinel-based materials, such as ZnCo2O4 …
Construction of spinel (Fe0. 2Co0. 2Ni0. 2Cr0. 2M0. 2) 3O4 (M= Mg, Mn, Zn, and Cu) high-entropy oxides with tunable valance states for oxygen evolution reaction
Y Guo, X Zhang, H Wei, H Yu, Y **e - Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024 - Elsevier
High-entropy oxides (HEOs) exhibit excellent structural stability, and the synergistic effects
among their constituent elements contribute to performance enhancement, providing vast …
among their constituent elements contribute to performance enhancement, providing vast …
Carbon transition‐metal oxide electrodes: understanding the role of surface engineering for high energy density supercapacitors
Supercapacitors store electrical energy by ion adsorption at the interface of the electrode‐
electrolyte (electric double layer capacitance, EDLC) or through faradaic process involving …
electrolyte (electric double layer capacitance, EDLC) or through faradaic process involving …