A global review of the spatial, taxonomic, and temporal scope of freshwater fisheries hydroacoustics research
This review assessed the status and scope of freshwater hydroacoustic fisheries research in
global aquatic ecosystems with emphasis on (i) geographical and spatial scope,(ii) …
global aquatic ecosystems with emphasis on (i) geographical and spatial scope,(ii) …
[HTML][HTML] Reducing bias in Coregonus artedi abundance estimates using stationary up-looking acoustics
Mobile hydroacoustic surveys using ship-based down-looking transducers are widely used
to estimate densities for ecologically and economically important pelagic fishes. However …
to estimate densities for ecologically and economically important pelagic fishes. However …
Seasonally Dynamic Diel Vertical Migrations of Mysis diluviana, Coregonine Fishes, and Siscowet Lake Trout in the Pelagia of Western Lake Superior
Diel vertical migrations are common among many aquatic species and are often associated
with changing light levels. The underlying mechanisms are generally attributed to optimizing …
with changing light levels. The underlying mechanisms are generally attributed to optimizing …
Habitat coupling in a large lake system: delivery of an energy subsidy by an offshore planktivore to the nearshore zone of L ake S uperior
We hypothesised that the autumn spawning migration of L ake S uperior cisco (C oregonus
artedi) provides a resource subsidy, in the form of energy‐rich cisco eggs, from the offshore …
artedi) provides a resource subsidy, in the form of energy‐rich cisco eggs, from the offshore …
Using multiple gears to assess acoustic detectability and biomass of fish species in Lake Superior
Recent predator demand and prey supply studies suggest that an annual daytime bottom
trawl survey of Lake Superior underestimates prey fish biomass. A multiple-gear (acoustics …
trawl survey of Lake Superior underestimates prey fish biomass. A multiple-gear (acoustics …
A new look at the Lake Superior biomass size spectrum
We synthesized data from multiple sampling programs and years to describe the Lake
Superior pelagic biomass size structure. Data consisted of Coulter counts for phytoplankton …
Superior pelagic biomass size structure. Data consisted of Coulter counts for phytoplankton …
Comparison of boat electrofishing, trawling, and seining for sampling fish assemblages in Iowa's nonwadeable rivers
The effect of reach length on species richness (estimated with boat‐mounted electrofishing,
a modified Missouri trawl, and a bag seine) was evaluated in Iowa's nonwadeable river …
a modified Missouri trawl, and a bag seine) was evaluated in Iowa's nonwadeable river …
Can pelagic forage fish and spawning cisco (Coregonus artedi) biomass in the western arm of Lake Superior be assessed with a single summer survey?
Management efforts to rehabilitate lake trout Salvelinus namaycush in Lake Superior have
been successful and the recent increase in their numbers has led to interest in measuring …
been successful and the recent increase in their numbers has led to interest in measuring …
The state of Lake Superior in 2011
Abstract The Great Lakes Fishery Commission was established by the Convention on Great
Lakes Fisheries between Canada and the United States, which was ratified on October 11 …
Lakes Fisheries between Canada and the United States, which was ratified on October 11 …
Reassessment of the predatory effects of rainbow smelt on ciscoes in Lake Superior
Evidence from small lakes suggests that predation on larval ciscoes Coregonus artedi by
nonnative rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax can lead to cisco suppression or extirpation …
nonnative rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax can lead to cisco suppression or extirpation …