Internet of things: Vision, applications and research challenges
The term “Internet-of-Things” is used as an umbrella keyword for covering various aspects
related to the extension of the Internet and the Web into the physical realm, by means of the …
related to the extension of the Internet and the Web into the physical realm, by means of the …
Self-adaptive software: Landscape and research challenges
Software systems dealing with distributed applications in changing environments normally
require human supervision to continue operation in all conditions. These (re-) configuring …
require human supervision to continue operation in all conditions. These (re-) configuring …
A survey on engineering approaches for self-adaptive systems
The complexity of information systems is increasing in recent years, leading to increased
effort for maintenance and configuration. Self-adaptive systems (SASs) address this issue …
effort for maintenance and configuration. Self-adaptive systems (SASs) address this issue …
A survey of the use of crowdsourcing in software engineering
The term 'crowdsourcing'was initially introduced in 2006 to describe an emerging distributed
problem-solving model by online workers. Since then it has been widely studied and …
problem-solving model by online workers. Since then it has been widely studied and …
Software engineering for self-adaptive systems: A second research roadmap
The goal of this roadmap paper is to summarize the state-of-the-art and identify research
challenges when develo**, deploying and managing self-adaptive software systems …
challenges when develo**, deploying and managing self-adaptive software systems …
Rainbow: Architecture-based self-adaptation with reusable infrastructure
While attractive in principle, architecture-based self-adaptation raises a number of research
and engineering challenges. First, the ability to handle a wide variety of systems must be …
and engineering challenges. First, the ability to handle a wide variety of systems must be …
Models@ run. time
Runtime adaptation mechanisms that leverage software models extend the applicability of
model-driven engineering techniques to the runtime environment. Contemporary mission …
model-driven engineering techniques to the runtime environment. Contemporary mission …
On patterns for decentralized control in self-adaptive systems
Self-adaptation is typically realized using a control loop. One prominent approach for
organizing a control loop in self-adaptive systems is by means of four components that are …
organizing a control loop in self-adaptive systems is by means of four components that are …
Engineering self-adaptive systems through feedback loops
To deal with the increasing complexity of software systems and uncertainty of their
environments, software engineers have turned to self-adaptivity. Self-adaptive systems are …
environments, software engineers have turned to self-adaptivity. Self-adaptive systems are …
A survey of autonomic computing—degrees, models, and applications
MC Huebscher, JA McCann - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2008 - dl.acm.org
Autonomic Computing is a concept that brings together many fields of computing with the
purpose of creating computing systems that self-manage. In its early days it was criticised as …
purpose of creating computing systems that self-manage. In its early days it was criticised as …