A survey on measuring cognitive workload in human-computer interaction
The ever-increasing number of computing devices around us results in more and more
systems competing for our attention, making cognitive workload a crucial factor for the user …
systems competing for our attention, making cognitive workload a crucial factor for the user …
A Bermuda triangle? A Review of method application and triangulation in user experience evaluation
User experience (UX) evaluation is a growing field with diverse approaches. To understand
the development since previous meta-review efforts, we conducted a state-of-the-art review …
the development since previous meta-review efforts, we conducted a state-of-the-art review …
[КНИГА][B] Brain–computer interfaces handbook: technological and theoretical advances
Brain–Computer Interfaces Handbook: Technological and Theoretical Advances provides a
tutorial and an overview of the rich and multi-faceted world of Brain–Computer Interfaces …
tutorial and an overview of the rich and multi-faceted world of Brain–Computer Interfaces …
Measuring cognitive load using eye tracking technology in visual computing
In this position paper we encourage the use of eye tracking measurements to investigate
users' cognitive load while interacting with a system. We start with an overview of how eye …
users' cognitive load while interacting with a system. We start with an overview of how eye …
Modern machine-learning algorithms: for classifying cognitive and affective states from electroencephalography signals
Estimating cognitive or affective states from brain signals is a key but challenging step in
creating passive brain-computer interface (BCI) applications. So far, estimating mental …
creating passive brain-computer interface (BCI) applications. So far, estimating mental …
Chartdetective: Easy and accurate interactive data extraction from complex vector charts
Extracting underlying data from rasterized charts is tedious and inaccurate; values might be
partially occluded or hard to distinguish, and the quality of the image limits the precision of …
partially occluded or hard to distinguish, and the quality of the image limits the precision of …
Assessing the driver's current level of working memory load with high density functional near-infrared spectroscopy: A realistic driving simulator study
Cognitive overload or underload results in a decrease in human performance which may
result in fatal incidents while driving. We envision that driver assistive systems which adapt …
result in fatal incidents while driving. We envision that driver assistive systems which adapt …
[HTML][HTML] Physiokit: An open-source, low-cost physiological computing toolkit for single-and multi-user studies
The proliferation of physiological sensors opens new opportunities to explore interactions,
conduct experiments and evaluate the user experience with continuous monitoring of bodily …
conduct experiments and evaluate the user experience with continuous monitoring of bodily …
Understanding the impact of the reality-virtuality continuum on visual search using fixation-related potentials and eye tracking features
While Mixed Reality allows the seamless blending of digital content in users' surroundings, it
is unclear if its fusion with physical information impacts users' perceptual and cognitive …
is unclear if its fusion with physical information impacts users' perceptual and cognitive …
In ai we trust: Investigating the relationship between biosignals, trust and cognitive load in vr
Human trust is a psycho-physiological state that is difficult to measure, yet is becoming
increasingly important for the design of human-computer interactions. This paper explores if …
increasingly important for the design of human-computer interactions. This paper explores if …