Modern privacy-preserving record linkage techniques: An overview
Record linkage is the challenging task of deciding which records, coming from disparate
data sources, refer to the same entity. Established back in 1946 by Halbert L. Dunn, the area …
data sources, refer to the same entity. Established back in 1946 by Halbert L. Dunn, the area …
Privacy-preserving data sharing infrastructures for medical research: systematization and comparison
Background Data sharing is considered a crucial part of modern medical research.
Unfortunately, despite its advantages, it often faces obstacles, especially data privacy …
Unfortunately, despite its advantages, it often faces obstacles, especially data privacy …
What prevents us from reusing medical real-world data in research
Medical real-world data stored in clinical systems represents a valuable knowledge source
for medical research, but its usage is still challenged by various technical and cultural …
for medical research, but its usage is still challenged by various technical and cultural …
A privacy-preserving distributed analytics platform for health care data
Background In recent years, data-driven medicine has gained increasing importance in
terms of diagnosis, treatment, and research due to the exponential growth of health care …
terms of diagnosis, treatment, and research due to the exponential growth of health care …
Privacy preserving record linkage for public health action: opportunities and challenges
A Pathak, L Serrer, D Zapata, R King… - Journal of the …, 2024 - academic.oup.com
Objectives To understand the landscape of privacy preserving record linkage (PPRL)
applications in public health, assess estimates of PPRL accuracy and privacy, and evaluate …
applications in public health, assess estimates of PPRL accuracy and privacy, and evaluate …
EasySMPC: a simple but powerful no-code tool for practical secure multiparty computation
Background Modern biomedical research is data-driven and relies heavily on the re-use and
sharing of data. Biomedical data, however, is subject to strict data protection requirements …
sharing of data. Biomedical data, however, is subject to strict data protection requirements …
[HTML][HTML] Defensive strategies against PCC attacks based on ideal (t, n)-secret sharing scheme
We present a method to increase the dependability of cloud-based applications. Traditional
Secret Sharing Schemes (SSSs) typically fail to counter the challenges brought on by …
Secret Sharing Schemes (SSSs) typically fail to counter the challenges brought on by …
Data protection law and multi-party computation: Applications to information exchange between law enforcement agencies
Pushes for increased power of Law Enforcement (LE) for data retention and centralized
storage result in legal challenges with data protection law and courts-and possible violations …
storage result in legal challenges with data protection law and courts-and possible violations …
Cardinality Counting in" Alcatraz": A Privacy-aware Federated Learning Approach
The task of cardinality counting, pivotal for data analysis, endeavors to quantify unique
elements within datasets and has significant applications across various sectors like …
elements within datasets and has significant applications across various sectors like …
Optimization of digital information management of financial services based on artificial intelligence in the digital financial environment
X Li, J Zhang, H Long, Y Chen… - Journal of Organizational …, 2023 - igi-global.com
At present, society has entered the era of digital finance, and the information management
system (IMS) of financial services has been develo** rapidly, so the security of data has …
system (IMS) of financial services has been develo** rapidly, so the security of data has …