Blockchain for the circular economy: analysis of the research-practice gap
Extant research claims that the circular economy concept has enormous potential to
overcome downsides of status quo economic activities and to contribute to sustainable …
overcome downsides of status quo economic activities and to contribute to sustainable …
Employee perceptions of HR practices: A critical review and future directions
Scholars are directing more attention to employee perceptions of human resources (HR)
practices and have explored issues such as whether and how employees' idiosyncratic or …
practices and have explored issues such as whether and how employees' idiosyncratic or …
What theory is and can be: Forms of theorizing in organizational scholarship
Theory is at the very heart of organizational scholarship and a key criterion for evaluating the
quality and contribution of our research. Focusing on conceptual rather than empirical work …
quality and contribution of our research. Focusing on conceptual rather than empirical work …
A framework for enhancing the replicability of behavioral MIS research using prediction oriented techniques
The ongoing scientific discourse surrounding the replication crisis in behavioral research,
including management information systems (MIS) research, underscores the importance of …
including management information systems (MIS) research, underscores the importance of …
Institutional work: Taking stock and making it matter
'Institutional work'has evolved from a concept introduced to capture a set of actions
described in institutional research, to a perspective on the relationship between institutions …
described in institutional research, to a perspective on the relationship between institutions …
Management's science–practice gap: A grand challenge for all stakeholders
Despite multiple high-profile calls—across decades and from multiple stakeholders—to
address the widening gap between science and practice, the relevance of research …
address the widening gap between science and practice, the relevance of research …
Reducing complexity by creating complexity: A systems theory perspective on how organizations respond to their environments
Organizations have to cope with the complexity of their environment in order to survive. A
considerable body of research has shown that organizations may respond to environmental …
considerable body of research has shown that organizations may respond to environmental …
The practical relevance of management research: Turning the debate on relevance into a rigorous scientific research program
A Kieser, A Nicolai, D Seidl - Academy of Management annals, 2015 -
How and to what extent practitioners use the scientific results of management studies is of
great concern to management scholars and has given rise to a considerable body of …
great concern to management scholars and has given rise to a considerable body of …
A proposal for minimum reusability evaluation of design principles
J Iivari, M Rotvit Perlt Hansen… - European Journal of …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT Many Design Science Research (DSR) papers in Information Systems (IS)
suggest sets of design principles (DPs) that provide knowledge for creating instances, in …
suggest sets of design principles (DPs) that provide knowledge for creating instances, in …
Embedding impact in engaged research: Develo** socially useful knowledge through dialogical sensemaking
This paper explores how we can embed impact in research to generate socially useful
knowledge. Our contribution lies in proposing a form of engaged research that draws upon …
knowledge. Our contribution lies in proposing a form of engaged research that draws upon …