Towards more inclusive smart cities: Reconciling the divergent realities of data and discourse at the margins
In this article, we survey a growing body of literature within geography and other intersecting
fields that trains attention on what inclusive smart cities are, or what they could be. In doing …
fields that trains attention on what inclusive smart cities are, or what they could be. In doing …
Where's the database in digital ethnography? Exploring database ethnography for open data research
R Burns, G Wark - Qualitative Research, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Contemporary cities are witnessing momentous shifts in how institutions and individuals
produce and circulate data. Despite recent trends claiming that anyone can create and use …
produce and circulate data. Despite recent trends claiming that anyone can create and use …
GIScience I: social histories and disciplinary crucibles
MW Wilson - Progress in Human Geography, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
In this first report, I overview research on storytelling of the histories of GIS. I suggest that
these efforts reveal important pathways for thinking the current moment and conditioning …
these efforts reveal important pathways for thinking the current moment and conditioning …
[HTML][HTML] The Socio-Technical Background of an Unconventional Software Architecture in OpenStreetMap: Understanding the Implementation of 'Folksonomy'
Previous software studies have stressed the socio-technical origin and embeddedness of
software; hence specific socio-technical contexts are always inscribed into the digital …
software; hence specific socio-technical contexts are always inscribed into the digital …
Online music distribution and the unpredictability of software logistics
M Eriksson - 2019 - diva-portal.org
This compilation dissertation examines the role of software in online music distribution and
critically scrutinizes the increased influence of digital technologies in everyday life. In …
critically scrutinizes the increased influence of digital technologies in everyday life. In …
Towards More Inclusive Smart Cities: Reconciling the Divergent Logics of Data and Discourse at the Margins
Over the past two decades, various smart city initiatives have developed and normalised a
discourse that digital infrastructures can ameliorate existing urban problems. At the same …
discourse that digital infrastructures can ameliorate existing urban problems. At the same …
Fiber, Fingers, and Code: Manufacturing Software and Seamlessness in the Garment Industry
This article describes how software is imagined and used to disrupt garment industry
practices. Drawing from interviews, fieldwork, and discourse analysis of marketing from two …
practices. Drawing from interviews, fieldwork, and discourse analysis of marketing from two …
[PDF][PDF] Coded Governance
N Lally - 2018 - asset.library.wisc.edu
In this dissertation, I describe how existing practices of governance become integrated with
software, shifting how spaces are constructed, understood, and governed. The term “coded …
software, shifting how spaces are constructed, understood, and governed. The term “coded …