Method and system for efficient spoken term detection using confusion networks
US9196243B2 - Method and system for efficient spoken term detection using confusion
networks - Google Patents US9196243B2 - Method and system for efficient spoken term …
networks - Google Patents US9196243B2 - Method and system for efficient spoken term …
Speech recognition and keyword spotting for low-resource languages: Babel project research at cued
Recently there has been increased interest in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and
Key Word Spotting (KWS) systems for low resource languages. One of the driving forces for …
Key Word Spotting (KWS) systems for low resource languages. One of the driving forces for …
Data augmentation for low resource languages
Recently there has been interest in the approaches for training speech recognition systems
for languages with limited resources. Under the IARPA Babel program such resources have …
for languages with limited resources. Under the IARPA Babel program such resources have …
Investigation of multilingual deep neural networks for spoken term detection
The development of high-performance speech processing systems for low-resource
languages is a challenging area. One approach to address the lack of resources is to make …
languages is a challenging area. One approach to address the lack of resources is to make …
System combination and score normalization for spoken term detection
Spoken content in languages of emerging importance needs to be searchable to provide
access to the underlying information. In this paper, we investigate the problem of extending …
access to the underlying information. In this paper, we investigate the problem of extending …
[PDF][PDF] Data augmentation, feature combination, and multilingual neural networks to improve ASR and KWS performance for low-resource languages.
This paper presents the progress of acoustic models for lowresourced languages
(Assamese, Bengali, Haitian Creole, Lao, Zulu) developed within the second evaluation …
(Assamese, Bengali, Haitian Creole, Lao, Zulu) developed within the second evaluation …
[PDF][PDF] The IBM speech activity detection system for the DARPA RATS program.
We present the IBM speech activity detection system that was fielded in the phase 2
evaluation of the DARPA RATS (robust automatic transcription of speech) program. Key …
evaluation of the DARPA RATS (robust automatic transcription of speech) program. Key …
Joint decoding of tandem and hybrid systems for improved keyword spotting on low resource languages
Keyword spotting (KWS) for low-resource languages has drawn increasing attention in
recent years. The state-of-the-art KWS systems are based on lattices or Confusion Networks …
recent years. The state-of-the-art KWS systems are based on lattices or Confusion Networks …
Language independent and unsupervised acoustic models for speech recognition and keyword spotting
Develo** high-performance speech processing systems for low-resource languages is
very challenging. One approach to address the lack of resources is to make use of data from …
very challenging. One approach to address the lack of resources is to make use of data from …
Multilingual MRASTA features for low-resource keyword search and speech recognition systems
This paper investigates the application of hierarchical MRASTA bottleneck (BN) features for
under-resourced languages within the IARPA Babel project. Through multilingual training of …
under-resourced languages within the IARPA Babel project. Through multilingual training of …