Changes in the lithosphere, atmosphere, and ionosphere before and during the Mw= 7.7 Jamaica 2020 earthquake
The details of the earthquake preparation phase are still an open scientific debate. Eventual
lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling effects before and during the Mw= 7.7 …
lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling effects before and during the Mw= 7.7 …
Synchronized and Co-Located Ionospheric and Atmospheric Anomalies Associated with the 2023 Mw 7.8 Turkey Earthquake
Earth observations from remotely sensed data have a substantial impact on natural hazard
surveillance, specifically for earthquakes. The rapid emergence of diverse earthquake …
surveillance, specifically for earthquakes. The rapid emergence of diverse earthquake …
Deep machine learning based possible atmospheric and ionospheric precursors of the 2021 Mw 7.1 Japan earthquake
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-and Remote Sensing (RS)-based Earth
observations have a significant approach on the monitoring of natural disasters. Since the …
observations have a significant approach on the monitoring of natural disasters. Since the …
Applying support vector machine (SVM) using GPS-TEC and Space Weather parameters to distinguish ionospheric disturbances possibly related to earthquakes
The effort to identify and comprehend potential earthquake-related phenomena shares a
common goal: successful earthquake forecasting. Advancements in science and technology …
common goal: successful earthquake forecasting. Advancements in science and technology …
[HTML][HTML] Atmospheric Anomalies Associated with the 2021 Mw 7.2 Haiti Earthquake Using Machine Learning from Multiple Satellites
The remote sensing-based Earth satellites has become a beneficial instrument for the
monitoring of natural hazards. This study includes a multi-sensors analysis to estimate the …
monitoring of natural hazards. This study includes a multi-sensors analysis to estimate the …
Total electron content anomalies associated with earthquakes occurred during 1998–2019
Statistical analyses on the intensification of seismic precursors before and after the
earthquakes (EQs) from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) based Total Electron …
earthquakes (EQs) from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) based Total Electron …
Ionospheric–thermospheric responses to geomagnetic storms from multi-instrument space weather data
We analyze vertical total electron content (vTEC) variations from the Global Navigation
Satellite System (GNSS) at different latitudes in different continents of the world during the …
Satellite System (GNSS) at different latitudes in different continents of the world during the …
Integrated Analysis of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionospheric Coupling Associated with the 2021 Mw 7.2 Haiti Earthquake
The search for Earthquake (EQ) precursors in the ionosphere and atmosphere from satellite
data has provided significant information about the upcoming main shock. This study …
data has provided significant information about the upcoming main shock. This study …
Atmospheric precursors associated with two Mw> 6.0 earthquakes using machine learning methods
The advancements in remote sensing (RS) satellite applications have revolutionized natural
disaster surveillance and prediction in the earthquake monitoring by delineating various …
disaster surveillance and prediction in the earthquake monitoring by delineating various …
A comprehensive study on the synchronized outgoing longwave radiation and relative humidity anomalies related to global Mw≥ 6.5 earthquakes
M Shah, MU Draz, T Saleem - Natural Hazards, 2024 - Springer
Remote Sensing (RS) provides significant insights for the monitoring of natural disasters like
earthquakes for pre-and post-seismic precursors around the seismogenic regions. The …
earthquakes for pre-and post-seismic precursors around the seismogenic regions. The …