[HTML][HTML] Impact of openings on the in-plane strength of confined and unconfined masonry walls: A sustainable numerical study

UA Mughal, AU Qazi, A Ahmed, W Abbass, S Abbas… - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
While openings are an essential requirement in buildings as a source of access, fresh air
and sunlight, these openings cause a reduction in the lateral stiffness and torsional …

[HTML][HTML] Influence of the modelling approach on the seismic assessment of RC structures by nonlinear static analyses

F Barbagallo, M Di Domenico, M Terrenzi… - Soil Dynamics and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Different modelling approaches are available for the evaluation of the nonlinear response of
structures. The goals of this paper are to determine the implications of two frame modelling …

Displacement-controlled nonlinear analysis of offshore platform topside under accidental loads

S Chandrasekaran, S Pachaiappan - Arabian Journal for Science and …, 2023 - Springer
The offshore platform's topside is vulnerable to accidental loads, including impact and blast
loads that arise from hydrocarbon explosions. In addition, higher stresses are developed on …

[PDF][PDF] Dynamic Analysis Of Multi-storey building for different shapes

MR Sultan, DG Peera - International Journal of Innovative …, 2015 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Background: Extinct earthquakes events demonstrate that, buildings with irregularity is
vulnerable to earthquake damages. So as it's essential to spot the seismal response of the …

Higher mode effects in pushover analysis of irregular masonry buildings

H Azizi-Bondarabadi, N Mendes… - Journal of Earthquake …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
The paper presents a study on the seismic behavior of irregular unreinforced masonry
buildings, aiming at evaluating the effects of higher modes. First, the macroelement model …

[Књига][B] Design aids for offshore topside platforms under special loads

S Chandrasekaran, AK Jain, N Shafiq, MMA Wahab - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
Offshore platforms face many risks, including a hostile ocean environment, extreme
temperatures, overpressure loads, fire risks, and hydrocarbon explosions, all of which pose …

Vulnerability of asymmetric multi-storey buildings in the context of performance-based seismic design

M Hentri, M Hemsas, D Nedjar - European Journal of …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Many existing buildings with reinforced concrete structure have, in reality, irregular
configurations especially in plan. This category of edifices cannot be avoided due to the …

An experimental and numerical investigation into the seismic performance of a multi-storey concentrically braced plan irregular structure

DP McCrum, BM Broderick - Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2013 - Springer
In this investigation, the seismic torsional response of a multi-storey concentrically braced
frame (CBF) plan irregular structure is evaluated numerically and experimentally through a …

[PDF][PDF] Push over analysis of multi-storied building

SS Patil, CR Shah, RA Patil… - International Journal of the …, 2017 - researchgate.net
This paper tells about the behavior multistory building during earthquake using Push over
analysis. In this push over analysis of G+ 20 Multistoried building is carried out. In push over …