Overview on the nonlinear static procedures and performance-based approach on modern unreinforced masonry buildings with structural irregularity
Performance-based design plays a significant role in the structural and earthquake
engineering community to ensure both safety and economic feasibility. Its application to …
engineering community to ensure both safety and economic feasibility. Its application to …
[HTML][HTML] Impact of openings on the in-plane strength of confined and unconfined masonry walls: A sustainable numerical study
While openings are an essential requirement in buildings as a source of access, fresh air
and sunlight, these openings cause a reduction in the lateral stiffness and torsional …
and sunlight, these openings cause a reduction in the lateral stiffness and torsional …
[HTML][HTML] Influence of the modelling approach on the seismic assessment of RC structures by nonlinear static analyses
F Barbagallo, M Di Domenico, M Terrenzi… - Soil Dynamics and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Different modelling approaches are available for the evaluation of the nonlinear response of
structures. The goals of this paper are to determine the implications of two frame modelling …
structures. The goals of this paper are to determine the implications of two frame modelling …
Displacement-controlled nonlinear analysis of offshore platform topside under accidental loads
The offshore platform's topside is vulnerable to accidental loads, including impact and blast
loads that arise from hydrocarbon explosions. In addition, higher stresses are developed on …
loads that arise from hydrocarbon explosions. In addition, higher stresses are developed on …
[PDF][PDF] Dynamic Analysis Of Multi-storey building for different shapes
MR Sultan, DG Peera - International Journal of Innovative …, 2015 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Background: Extinct earthquakes events demonstrate that, buildings with irregularity is
vulnerable to earthquake damages. So as it's essential to spot the seismal response of the …
vulnerable to earthquake damages. So as it's essential to spot the seismal response of the …
Higher mode effects in pushover analysis of irregular masonry buildings
The paper presents a study on the seismic behavior of irregular unreinforced masonry
buildings, aiming at evaluating the effects of higher modes. First, the macroelement model …
buildings, aiming at evaluating the effects of higher modes. First, the macroelement model …
[Књига][B] Design aids for offshore topside platforms under special loads
Offshore platforms face many risks, including a hostile ocean environment, extreme
temperatures, overpressure loads, fire risks, and hydrocarbon explosions, all of which pose …
temperatures, overpressure loads, fire risks, and hydrocarbon explosions, all of which pose …
Vulnerability of asymmetric multi-storey buildings in the context of performance-based seismic design
Many existing buildings with reinforced concrete structure have, in reality, irregular
configurations especially in plan. This category of edifices cannot be avoided due to the …
configurations especially in plan. This category of edifices cannot be avoided due to the …
An experimental and numerical investigation into the seismic performance of a multi-storey concentrically braced plan irregular structure
In this investigation, the seismic torsional response of a multi-storey concentrically braced
frame (CBF) plan irregular structure is evaluated numerically and experimentally through a …
frame (CBF) plan irregular structure is evaluated numerically and experimentally through a …
[PDF][PDF] Push over analysis of multi-storied building
SS Patil, CR Shah, RA Patil… - International Journal of the …, 2017 - researchgate.net
This paper tells about the behavior multistory building during earthquake using Push over
analysis. In this push over analysis of G+ 20 Multistoried building is carried out. In push over …
analysis. In this push over analysis of G+ 20 Multistoried building is carried out. In push over …