Research in thermal biology: burning questions for coldwater stream fishes
With the increasing appreciation of global warming impacts on ecological systems, in
addition to the myriad of land management effects on water quality, the number of literature …
addition to the myriad of land management effects on water quality, the number of literature …
Event-triggered adaptive tracking control for multiagent systems with unknown disturbances
Y Zhang, J Sun, H Liang, H Li - IEEE transactions on …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper considers the event-triggered tracking control problem of nonlinear multiagent
systems with unknown disturbances. The event-triggering mechanism is considered in the …
systems with unknown disturbances. The event-triggering mechanism is considered in the …
Multiple mobile robot systems
Within the context of multiple mobile, and networked robot systems, this chapter explores the
current state of the art. After a brief introduction, we first examine architectures for multirobot …
current state of the art. After a brief introduction, we first examine architectures for multirobot …
Predefined accuracy adaptive tracking control for nonlinear multiagent systems with unmodeled dynamics
This article focuses on an adaptive dynamic surface tracking control issue of nonlinear
multiagent systems (MASs) with unmodeled dynamics and input quantization under …
multiagent systems (MASs) with unmodeled dynamics and input quantization under …
The+ 1 method: model-free adaptive repositioning policies for robotic multi-agent systems
Robotic multi-agent systems can efficiently handle spatially distributed tasks in dynamic
environments. Problem instances of particular interest, and generality are the dynamic …
environments. Problem instances of particular interest, and generality are the dynamic …