Analisis Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Petani Lahan Kering Di Kabupaten Sumbawa: Suatu Tinjauan Proporsi Pengeluaran Pangan
Ketahanan pangan merupakan isu penting dalam pembangunan pertanian di negara
sedang berkembang dimana sebagian besar penduduknya bergantung pada sektor …
sedang berkembang dimana sebagian besar penduduknya bergantung pada sektor …
The Contribution of Rainfed Rice Farming to Income and Food Security of Farmers' Household
Increasing production from rainfed rice field farming is expected to have direct implications
to farmers' income and food security. Improvement in farmers' income will ensure the …
to farmers' income and food security. Improvement in farmers' income will ensure the …
Pola konsumsi pangan rumah tangga di Provinsi Jawa Barat
A Miranti, Y Syaukat - Jurnal Agro Ekonomi, 2016 - neliti.com
EnglishFood issue, including food security issue, is a part of agriculture concern. One way to
overcome the problems of food is to diversify household food consumption. How household …
overcome the problems of food is to diversify household food consumption. How household …
Transformational Leadership and Motivation on Community Performance: Case Study on Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDes) Organization in Semarang District …
M Rachmawati, B Dewantoro… - Jurnal Bina …, 2021 - jurnal.kemendagri.go.id
Transformational Leadership in an organization has a significant influence on the success
and dynamics of an organization. Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDes) as an organization is …
and dynamics of an organization. Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDes) as an organization is …
Analisis pola konsumsi pangan berdasarkan status IPM di Jawa Timur
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik sosial ekonomi
berdasarkan status IPM daerah terhadap pola konsumsi pangan rumah tangga dan (2) …
berdasarkan status IPM daerah terhadap pola konsumsi pangan rumah tangga dan (2) …
Empirical analysis of farmers household food security levels in Salatiga, Indonesia
W Ariyadi - Research Horizon, 2021 - journal.lifescifi.com
This study aims to analyze the conditions of farm household food security levels and analyze
the magnitude of the influence of factors such as farmer income, farmer education, farmer …
the magnitude of the influence of factors such as farmer income, farmer education, farmer …
Ketahanan pangan rumah tangga penerima bantuan program Desa Mandiri Pangan di Kabupaten Sumba Tengah
YUO Sabaora, SH Priyanto, TM Prihtanti - Jurnal Agro Ekonomi, 2020 - jae.perhepi.org
The Food Resilient Village is a major program of the Ministry of Agriculture to ensure food
security of rural households which effectiveness should be evaluated. This study aims to …
security of rural households which effectiveness should be evaluated. This study aims to …
Analisis Determinan Tingkat Pengeluaran Konsumsi Pangan Di Jawa Timur
East Java is a province that has a high population, household consumption expenditure is
an important thing to consider. The implication is that there will be an increase in production …
an important thing to consider. The implication is that there will be an increase in production …
Analysis of Household Income and Food Security of Watermelon Farmers During The Covid-19 Pandemic in Lamongan Regency
The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the Indonesian economy in almost all sectors,
including the agricultural sector. The government's policy for large-scale social restrictions …
including the agricultural sector. The government's policy for large-scale social restrictions …
Rancang bangun model kelembagaan agribisnis padi organik dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang bangun model kelembagaan agribisnis padi
organik. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis data …
organik. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis data …