The KeY tool: integrating object oriented design and formal verification
KeY is a tool that provides facilities for formal specification and verification of programs
within a commercial platform for UML based software development. Using the KeY tool …
within a commercial platform for UML based software development. Using the KeY tool …
OCL: Syntax, semantics, and tools
M Richters, M Gogolla - Object Modeling with the OCL: The Rationale …, 2002 - Springer
Abstract The Object Constraint Language OCL allows to formally specify constraints on a
UML model. We present a formal syntax and semantics for OCL based on set theory …
UML model. We present a formal syntax and semantics for OCL based on set theory …
[CARTE][B] A precise approach to validating UML models and OCL constraints
M Richters - 2002 - Citeseer
Abstract The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a widely accepted standard for modeling
software systems. The UML supports object-oriented approaches to software development …
software systems. The UML supports object-oriented approaches to software development …
Using dynamic analysis to discover polynomial and array invariants
Dynamic invariant analysis identifies likely properties over variables from observed program
traces. These properties can aid programmers in refactoring, documenting, and debugging …
traces. These properties can aid programmers in refactoring, documenting, and debugging …
An OCL extension for real-time constraints
Abstract The Object Constraint Language (OCL) was introduced to support the specification
of constraints for UML diagrams and is mainly used to formulate invariants and operation pre …
of constraints for UML diagrams and is mainly used to formulate invariants and operation pre …
OCL 1.4/5 vs. 2.0 Expressions Formal semantics and expressiveness
MV Cengarle, A Knapp - Software & Systems Modeling, 2004 - Springer
A type inference system and a big-step operational semantics for expressions of the “Object
Constraint Language”(OCL), the declarative and navigational constraint language for the …
Constraint Language”(OCL), the declarative and navigational constraint language for the …
Formal semantics of static and temporal state-oriented OCL constraints
Abstract The textual Object Constraint Language (OCL) is primarily intended to specify
restrictions over UML class diagrams, in particular class invariants, operation pre-, and …
restrictions over UML class diagrams, in particular class invariants, operation pre-, and …
A formal semantics for OCL 1.4
MV Cengarle, A Knapp - International Conference on the Unified Modeling …, 2001 - Springer
The OCL 1.4 specification introduces let-declarations for adding auxiliary class features in
static structures of the UML. We provide a type inference system and a big-step operational …
static structures of the UML. We provide a type inference system and a big-step operational …
A UML profile for real-time constraints with the OCL
This article presents a UML profile for an OCL extension that enables modelers to specify
behavioral, state-oriented real-time constraints in OCL. In order to perform a seamless …
behavioral, state-oriented real-time constraints in OCL. In order to perform a seamless …
Specification of real-time properties for UML models
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has received wide acceptance as a standard
language in the field of software specification by means of different diagram types. In a …
language in the field of software specification by means of different diagram types. In a …