Color realism and color science
The target article is an attempt to make some progress on the problem of color realism. Are
objects colored? And what is the nature of the color properties? We defend the view that …
objects colored? And what is the nature of the color properties? We defend the view that …
Sensory, computational and cognitive components of human colour constancy
HE Smithson - … Transactions of the Royal Society B …, 2005 -
When the illumination on a scene changes, so do the visual signals elicited by that scene. In
spite of these changes, the objects within a scene tend to remain constant in their apparent …
spite of these changes, the objects within a scene tend to remain constant in their apparent …
Fc4: Fully convolutional color constancy with confidence-weighted pooling
Improvements in color constancy have arisen from the use of convolutional neural networks
(CNNs). However, the patch-based CNNs that exist for this problem are faced with the issue …
(CNNs). However, the patch-based CNNs that exist for this problem are faced with the issue …
Shape, illumination, and reflectance from shading
A fundamental problem in computer vision is that of inferring the intrinsic, 3D structure of the
world from flat, 2D images of that world. Traditional methods for recovering scene properties …
world from flat, 2D images of that world. Traditional methods for recovering scene properties …
A nonlinear map** approach to stain normalization in digital histopathology images using image-specific color deconvolution
Histopathology diagnosis is based on visual examination of the morphology of histological
sections under a microscope. With the increasing popularity of digital slide scanners …
sections under a microscope. With the increasing popularity of digital slide scanners …
Computational color constancy: Survey and experiments
Computational color constancy is a fundamental prerequisite for many computer vision
applications. This paper presents a survey of many recent developments and state-of-the-art …
applications. This paper presents a survey of many recent developments and state-of-the-art …
Color measurement in L∗ a∗ b∗ units from RGB digital images
The superficial appearance and color of food are the first parameters of quality evaluated by
consumers, and are thus critical factors for acceptance of the food item by the consumer …
consumers, and are thus critical factors for acceptance of the food item by the consumer …
Edge-based color constancy
Color constancy is the ability to measure colors of objects independent of the color of the
light source. A well-known color constancy method is based on the gray-world assumption …
light source. A well-known color constancy method is based on the gray-world assumption …
Color constancy using CNNs
In this work we describe a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to accurately predict the
scene illumination. Taking image patches as input, the CNN works in the spatial domain …
scene illumination. Taking image patches as input, the CNN works in the spatial domain …
Convolutional color constancy
JT Barron - … of the IEEE International Conference on …, 2015 -
Color constancy is the problem of inferring the color of the light that illuminated a scene,
usually so that the illumination color can be removed. Because this problem is …
usually so that the illumination color can be removed. Because this problem is …