Herbivory and plant defenses in tropical forests

PD Coley, JA Barone - Annual review of ecology and …, 1996 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract In this review, we discuss the ecological and evolutionary consequences of plant-
herbivore interactions in tropical forests. We note first that herbivory rates are higher in …

Fruits and frugivory.

P Jordano - 2000 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The pulp of fleshy fruits, with the soft, edible, nutritive tissues surrounding the seeds, is a
primary food resource for many frugivorous animals, notably mammals and birds, but also …

Toward a synthetic understanding of the role of phenology in ecology and evolution

J Forrest, AJ Miller-Rushing - … Transactions of the …, 2010 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Phenology affects nearly all aspects of ecology and evolution. Virtually all biological
phenomena—from individual physiology to interspecific relationships to global nutrient …

The Gut Microbiota Appears to Compensate for Seasonal Diet Variation in the Wild Black Howler Monkey (Alouatta pigra)

KR Amato, SR Leigh, A Kent, RI Mackie, CJ Yeoman… - Microbial ecology, 2015 - Springer
For most mammals, including nonhuman primates, diet composition varies temporally in
response to differences in food availability. Because diet influences gut microbiota …

Mast seeding in perennial plants: why, how, where?

D Kelly, VL Sork - Annual review of ecology and systematics, 2002 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract For many years biologists have debated whether mast seeding (the synchronous
intermittent production of large seed crops in perennial plants) results from weather …

Predicting phenology by integrating ecology, evolution and climate science

S Pau, EM Wolkovich, BI Cook, TJ Davies… - Global change …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Forecasting how species and ecosystems will respond to climate change has been a major
aim of ecology in recent years. Much of this research has focused on phenology–the timing …

Distribution of aboveground live biomass in the Amazon basin

SS Saatchi, RA Houghton… - Global change …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
The amount and spatial distribution of forest biomass in the Amazon basin is a major source
of uncertainty in estimating the flux of carbon released from land‐cover and land‐use …

Ecological and methodological drivers of species' distribution and phenology responses to climate change

CJ Brown, MI O'Connor, ES Poloczanska… - Global change …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Climate change is shifting species' distribution and phenology. Ecological traits, such as
mobility or reproductive mode, explain variation in observed rates of shift for some taxa …

[PDF][PDF] Adaptive significance of evergreen vs. deciduous leaves: solving the triple paradox

TJ Givnish - Silva fennica, 2002 - researchgate.net
Patterns in the dominance of evergreen vs. deciduous plants have long interested
ecologists, biogeographers, and global modellers. But previous models to account for these …

Phenology of Atlantic Rain Forest Trees: A Comparative Study1

LPC Morellato, DC Talora, A Takahasi, CC Bencke… - Biotropica, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
This paper describes the phenology of leaf, flower, and fruit phenology in the Atlantic rain
forests of southeastern Brazil. For 17 months, we observed the phenological patterns of …