An overview of signal processing techniques for terahertz communications
Terahertz (THz)-band communications are a key enabler for future-generation wireless
communication systems that promise to integrate a wide range of data-demanding …
communication systems that promise to integrate a wide range of data-demanding …
Toward intelligent metasurfaces: the progress from globally tunable metasurfaces to software‐defined metasurfaces with an embedded network of controllers
Metasurfaces, the ultrathin, 2D version of metamaterials, have recently attracted a surge of
attention for their capability to manipulate electromagnetic waves. Recent advances in …
attention for their capability to manipulate electromagnetic waves. Recent advances in …
Smart radio environments empowered by reconfigurable intelligent surfaces: How it works, state of research, and the road ahead
Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) are an emerging transmission technology for
application to wireless communications. RISs can be realized in different ways, which …
application to wireless communications. RISs can be realized in different ways, which …
Beamforming technologies for ultra-massive MIMO in terahertz communications
Terahertz (THz) communications with a frequency band 0.1–10 THz are envisioned as a
promising solution to future high-speed wireless communication. Although with tens of …
promising solution to future high-speed wireless communication. Although with tens of …
Performance analysis of reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted wireless systems and comparison with relaying
In this paper, we provide the theoretical framework for the performance comparison of
reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) and amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying wireless …
reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) and amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying wireless …
A survey of intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs): Towards 6G wireless communication networks
J Zhao - arxiv preprint arxiv:1907.04789, 2019 - arxiv.org
Intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs) tune wireless environments to increase spectrum and
energy efficiencies. In view of much recent attention to the IRS concept as a promising …
energy efficiencies. In view of much recent attention to the IRS concept as a promising …
Survey on terahertz nanocommunication and networking: A top-down perspective
Recent developments in nanotechnology herald nanometer-sized devices expected to bring
light to a number of groundbreaking applications. Communication with and among …
light to a number of groundbreaking applications. Communication with and among …
A multi-functional reconfigurable metasurface: Electromagnetic design accounting for fabrication aspects
In this article, we present the theoretical considerations and the design evolution of a proof-
of-concept reconfigurable metasurface, primarily used as a tunable microwave absorber, but …
of-concept reconfigurable metasurface, primarily used as a tunable microwave absorber, but …
A survey of millimeter-wave communication: Physical-layer technology specifications and enabling transmission technologies
Millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequency bands, which offer abundant underutilized spectral
resources, have been explored and exploited in the past several years to meet the …
resources, have been explored and exploited in the past several years to meet the …
Theory and design of multifunctional space-time metasurfaces
Integrating multiple functionalities into a single metasurface is becoming of great interest for
future intelligent communication systems. While such devices have been extensively …
future intelligent communication systems. While such devices have been extensively …