[PDF][PDF] Improving access, equity and transitions in education: Creating a research agenda
KM Lewin - 2007 - assets.publishing.service.gov.uk
The Consortium for Research on Educational Access, Transitions and Equity (CREATE),
was established with DFID support in 2006. It is a partnership between research institutions …
was established with DFID support in 2006. It is a partnership between research institutions …
Does learning to add up add up? The returns to schooling in aggregate data
L Pritchett - Handbook of the Economics of Education, 2006 - Elsevier
The theoretical, conceptual, and practical difficulties with the use of cross-national data on
schooling are so severe using aggregate data for any purpose for which individual level …
schooling are so severe using aggregate data for any purpose for which individual level …
The costs of missing the Millennium Development Goal on gender equity
D Abu-Ghaida, S Klasen - World development, 2004 - Elsevier
At the Millennium Summit, the world community pledged to promote gender equality and
chose as a specific target the achievement of gender equity in primary and secondary …
chose as a specific target the achievement of gender equity in primary and secondary …
Education for all and the new development compact
K Mundy - Education and social justice, 2006 - Springer
Over the past decade, the achievement of universal primary education, under the somewhat
misleading rubric of 'Education for All'(EFA), has steadily built momentum in international …
misleading rubric of 'Education for All'(EFA), has steadily built momentum in international …
Challenging foreign aid: A policymaker's guide to the millennium challenge account
S Radelet - Peterson Institute Press: All Books, 2003 - ideas.repec.org
In March 2002, President George W. Bush proposed establishing the Millennium Challenge
Account (MCA), a new foreign aid program designed to provide substantial assistance to a …
Account (MCA), a new foreign aid program designed to provide substantial assistance to a …
Short-term impacts of an unconditional cash transfer program on child schooling: Experimental evidence from Malawi
This study analyzes the impact of a positive income shock on child schooling outcomes
using experimental data from an unconditional cash transfer program in Malawi. Since …
using experimental data from an unconditional cash transfer program in Malawi. Since …
[PDF][PDF] A trend analysis of junior high school pupils' performance in the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) in Ghana
In recent times, parents and other stakeholders in the field of education have expressed
worries regarding the poor performance of pupils in rural and public schools in the Basic …
worries regarding the poor performance of pupils in rural and public schools in the Basic …
Diversity in convergence: Access to education for all
KM Lewin - Compare, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
Access to education has become a focal point of national strategies and development
assistance to reduce poverty in the develo** world. Commitments to the Millennium …
assistance to reduce poverty in the develo** world. Commitments to the Millennium …
Education for all: Paradoxes and prospects of a global promise
K Mundy - Education for All, 2007 - emerald.com
Education for all has become a rallying call among heads of states, international
organizations, corporate leaders and transnational advocacy groups. Implementation of EFA …
organizations, corporate leaders and transnational advocacy groups. Implementation of EFA …
Improving Access, Equity and Transitions in Education: Creating a Research Agenda. Create Pathways to Access. Research Monograph No. 1.
KM Lewin - Online Submission, 2007 - ERIC
The Consortium for Research on Educational Access, Transitions and Equity (CREATE),
was established with DFID [the UK Department for International Development] support in …
was established with DFID [the UK Department for International Development] support in …