Congo River sand and the equatorial quartz factory
A never solved problem in sedimentary petrology is the origin of sandstone consisting
exclusively of quartz and most durable heavy minerals. The Congo River offers an excellent …
exclusively of quartz and most durable heavy minerals. The Congo River offers an excellent …
Deep-water depositional systems supplied by shelf-incising submarine canyons: Recognition and significance in the geologic record
It is well established that sedimentary margins grow by sediments bypassing through shelf-
and slope-incising canyons onto the basin floor and by sediments being deposited …
and slope-incising canyons onto the basin floor and by sediments being deposited …
South Atlantic salt basins–witnesses of complex passive margin evolution
Cretaceous aged salt and salt-free basins along the continental margins of Brazil and
Angola/Namibia exhibit a rather heterogeneous geometry and basin fill which implies a …
Angola/Namibia exhibit a rather heterogeneous geometry and basin fill which implies a …
Fluid flow features in hydrocarbon plumbing systems: What do they tell us about the basin evolution?
KJ Andresen - Marine Geology, 2012 - Elsevier
Fluid flow features such as sandstone intrusions, mud volcano systems and pockmarks
represent well-known geological structures generated due to flow of fluids in the subsurface …
represent well-known geological structures generated due to flow of fluids in the subsurface …
Geological overview of the Angola–Congo margin, the Congo deep-sea fan and its submarine valleys
The Congo deep-sea fan is one of the largest fans in the world still affected by presently
active turbidity currents. The present activity of deep-sea sedimentary processes is linked to …
active turbidity currents. The present activity of deep-sea sedimentary processes is linked to …
Planation surfaces as a record of mantle dynamics: the case example of Africa
There are two types of emerged relief on the Earth: high elevation areas (mountain belts and
rift shoulders) in active tectonic settings and low elevation domains (anorogenic plateaus …
rift shoulders) in active tectonic settings and low elevation domains (anorogenic plateaus …
Rapid South Atlantic spreading changes and coeval vertical motion in surrounding continents: Evidence for temporal changes of pressure‐driven upper mantle flow
Abstract The South Atlantic region displays (1) a topographic gradient across the basin, with
Africa elevated relative to South America,(2) a bimodal spreading history with fast spreading …
Africa elevated relative to South America,(2) a bimodal spreading history with fast spreading …
Vertical evolution of fluid venting structures in relation to gas flux, in the Neogene-Quaternary of the Lower Congo Basin, Offshore Angola
The processes preceding the genesis of pockmarks and their subsequent evolution has
been rarely studied since pockmarks were discovered in 1970. A high-resolution 3-D …
been rarely studied since pockmarks were discovered in 1970. A high-resolution 3-D …
Supergene manganese ore records 75 Myr-long Campanian to Pleistocene geodynamic evolution and weathering history of the Central African Great Lakes Region …
The southeastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo locally hosts Proterozoic
manganese deposits. The deposits of Kisenge-Kamata are the most significant, but …
manganese deposits. The deposits of Kisenge-Kamata are the most significant, but …
Monitoring of natural oil seepage in the Lower Congo Basin using SAR observations
R Jatiault, D Dhont, L Loncke, D Dubucq - Remote Sensing of Environment, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a spaceborne tool allowing near real-time
imagery over large ground footprints of areas hundreds of kilometres wide. SAR also allows …
imagery over large ground footprints of areas hundreds of kilometres wide. SAR also allows …