Opportunities for enhancing the climate resilience of coffee production through improved crop, soil and water management
Climate change is adversely affecting coffee production, impacting both yields and quality.
Coffee production is dominated by the cultivation of Arabica and Robusta coffee, species …
Coffee production is dominated by the cultivation of Arabica and Robusta coffee, species …
Impacts of climate change on tropical agroforestry systems: A systematic review for identifying future research priorities
Climate change is expected to adversely affect the crop yields and food security for many
smallholder farmers in the tropics unless adaptive measures are implemented. Agroforestry …
smallholder farmers in the tropics unless adaptive measures are implemented. Agroforestry …
1H NMR-based approach to determine the geographical origin and cultivation method of roasted coffee
A comprehensive study of 603 roasted arabica coffee samples using NMR fingerprinting and
multivariate data analysis was performed to differentiate coffee samples according to their …
multivariate data analysis was performed to differentiate coffee samples according to their …
Views from two mountains: Exploring climate change impacts on traditional farming communities of Eastern Africa highlands through participatory scenarios
African mountains are characterized by high levels of biodiversity and provide ecosystem
services to millions of people. Due to steep environmental gradients, growing human …
services to millions of people. Due to steep environmental gradients, growing human …
[HTML][HTML] The potential impact of future climate change on the production of a major food and cash crop in tropical (sub) montane homegardens
Tropical agroforestry systems support the wellbeing of many smallholder farmers. These
systems provide smallholders with crops for consumption and income through their …
systems provide smallholders with crops for consumption and income through their …
Assessing the climate change impacts on Coffee arabica cultivation regions in China
Y Zhu, Y Liu, Z Chen, M Li, L Fan, M Zhang - Theoretical and Applied …, 2024 - Springer
Coffea arabica, a vital cash crop in Yunnan Province's plateaus (YN), comprises 98% of
China's total coffee output in both cultivation area and yield. In this study, the average …
China's total coffee output in both cultivation area and yield. In this study, the average …
[HTML][HTML] Exploring the cooling effect of shading for climate change adaptation in coffee areas
Rising air temperatures are the main reason for the expected reduction in land suitability for
coffee cultivation under climate change in Central America. One of the reasons farmers use …
coffee cultivation under climate change in Central America. One of the reasons farmers use …
[PDF][PDF] Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) field establishment and management practices in ethiopia
HG Megersa - American Journal of Engineering and Technology …, 2022 - researchgate.net
Coffee is one of the most important beverage crops, ranked the second most traded
commodity next to oil globally, and grown for its health values, economic and socio-political …
commodity next to oil globally, and grown for its health values, economic and socio-political …
Shade trees preserve avian insectivore biodiversity on coffee farms in a warming climate
Aim Coffee is an important export for many develo** countries, with a global annual trade
value of $100 billion, but it is threatened by a warming climate. Shade trees may mitigate the …
value of $100 billion, but it is threatened by a warming climate. Shade trees may mitigate the …
[PDF][PDF] Tree Species Diversity in Smallholder Coffee Farms of Bedeno District, Eastern Hararghe Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
ZSY Ahmed, L Nigatu, E Mekonnen - European Journal of …, 2021 - researchgate.net
Although, Coffee agroforestry have a considerable contribution in supporting biodiversity,
yet their contribution are insufficiently documented. Thus, this study was aimed to assess the …
yet their contribution are insufficiently documented. Thus, this study was aimed to assess the …