Bifurcation analysis of quantum ion-acoustic kink, anti-kink and periodic waves of the Burgers equation in a dense quantum plasma

A Saha, B Pradhan, S Banerjee - The European Physical Journal Plus, 2020 - Springer
Bifurcations of quantum ion-acoustic kink, anti-kink and periodic waves of the Burgers
equation are examined in a dense quantum (DQ) plasma comprising of positive ions …

The separation of one-soliton-shock to multi-soliton-shock of dust-ion acoustic wave using Lax pair and Darboux transformation of Burgers' equation

P Chatterjee, L Mandi - Physics of Fluids, 2023 -
Properties of dust-ion acoustic waves (DIAWs) in an unmagnetized dusty plasma consisting
of mobile ions, superthermal electrons, and negatively charged dust clouds with charge …

Ion-acoustic stable oscillations, solitary, periodic and shock waves in a quantum magnetized electron–positron–ion plasma

A Atteya, MA El-Borie, GD Roston… - … für Naturforschung A, 2021 -
Nonlinear stable oscillations, solitary, periodic and shock waves in electron–positron–ion
(EPI) quantum plasma in the presence of an external static magnetic field are reported. The …

Planar and non-planar nucleus-acoustic shock structures in self-gravitating degenerate quantum plasma systems

DMS Zaman, M Amina, PR Dip, AA Mamun - The European Physical …, 2017 - Springer
The basic properties of planar and non-planar (spherical and cylindrical) nucleus-acoustic
(NA) shock structures (SSs) in a strongly coupled self-gravitating degenerate quantum …

Compressive and rarefactive ion-acoustic solitons in a magnetized quantum plasma

B Hosen, MG Shah, MR Hossen, AA Mamun - The European Physical …, 2016 - Springer
Compressive and rarefactive ion-acoustic solitary waves (IASWs) in a magnetized,
collisionless, three-component, dense plasma system have been carried out. The plasma …

Nonlinear propagation of positron-acoustic waves in a four component space plasma

MG Shah, MR Hossen, AA Mamun - Journal of Plasma Physics, 2015 -
The nonlinear propagation of positron-acoustic waves (PAWs) in an unmagnetized,
collisionless, four component, dense plasma system (containing non-relativistic inertial cold …

Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation in a multi-component magnetized plasma with nuclei of heavy elements

B Hosen, M Amina, AA Mamun, MR Hossen - Journal of the Korean …, 2016 - Springer
The nonlinear properties of ion-acoustic (IA) waves are investigated in a relativistically
degenerate magnetized quantum plasma, whose constituents are non-degenerate inertial …

Degenerate pressure driven self-gravito-acoustic solitary waves in a self-gravitating degenerate quantum plasma system

AA Mamun - Physics of Plasmas, 2018 -
A general (but realistic) self-gravitating degenerate quantum plasma system (SG-DQPS)
containing inertialess degenerate electron species, inertial degenerate light, and heavy …

Weak dissipative ion-acoustic solitons in relativistically degenerate collisional plasma

B Sahu, A Sinha, R Roychoudhury - Physics of Plasmas, 2017 -
Using the quantum hydrodynamical model, we study the effect of collisions on the dynamics
of nonlinear ion-acoustic waves in a superdense degenerate electron-ion plasma. The …

Two-dimensional cylindrical magnetosonic shock waves in a relativistic degenerated plasma

MAH Khaled, YAA Hager, MA Shukri - New Journal of Physics, 2024 -
In this paper, the characteristics of two-dimensional magnetosonic (MS) shock waves have
been studied in a nonplanar relativistic degenerate collisional magnetoplasma whose …