Piecewise-Approximated Time Domain Analysis of LLC Resonant Converter Considering Parasitic Capacitors and Deadtime

Z **ao, Z He, R Guan, A Luo - IEEE Transactions on Power …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
LLC resonant converters are widely used in high power density and high efficiency
applications. Practically, the parasitic capacitors of mosfet s and diodes, the stray capacitor …

Computer-aided time-domain operation and design optimization of resonant converters

Z **ao, Z Li, Z He, H Wang, Y Tang… - IEEE Journal of …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This article presents a method for computer-aided operation and design optimization of
resonant converters using time-domain analysis. Resonant converters can operate in …

Optimization and design of LCC resonant high voltage wide range power supply for magnetrons

R Hou, Y Liu, Z He, Z Li, M **ao, J Guan… - IEEE Journal of …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Due to the integration and utilization of the parasitic capacitance of the transformer, the LCC
resonant converters with a capacitive output filter are widely used in high-voltage power …

Power loss minimization of CLLC resonant converters via time domain analysis

Z **ao, Z He, F Deng, Y Tang - 2023 IEEE Energy Conversion …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The symmetric CLLC resonant converter has distinguished potential in battery chargers and
energy storage systems due to zero voltage switching-on (ZVS-on) and flexible control with …

[HTML][HTML] Parameter optimization strategy of LLC converter soft start-up process based on a simplified numerical calculation model

N Li, Y Cao, Y Zhang, Z Li, L Jiang, XP Zhang - Energy Reports, 2023 - Elsevier
High-frequency start-up strategy is usually used to limit the current overshoot in the resonant
tank of LLC converter. However, the strong coupling among start-up frequency, initial duty …

Optimized Design of Multi-Channel Resonant Converter for Fuel Cell Application

DI Zaikin, MK Andersen, M Rugholt, T Kjeldsen… - IEEE …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This research presents a multi-channel phase shift inductor-inductor-capacitor (LLC)
resonant converter with a wide input and output voltage range that has been specially …

A high-accuracy gain model and improved design method for LLC converters in PV applications based on accurate time domain analysis

S Lu, K Sun, Z Guo, H Chen… - CSEE Journal of Power …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
With the development of photovoltaic (PV) power generation technology, the prospect of
isolated DC-DC converters, especially LLC resonant converters, is becoming more and …

A new detailed loss model and design approach for LLC resonant converter with phase shift control to overall optimization of converter loss at whole battery charging …

M Saadati, A Ghayebloo - International journal of circuit theory …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
This paper proposes a new loss modeling and design method for phase shift controlled
resonant LLC converter with optimization applied to minimize the overall loss during the …

A Dynamically Adaptive Rising-Edge Shifting Frequency PWM Implemented MPFT Technique for Portable EV Charger Development

S Chaurasiya, B Singh - IEEE Transactions on Consumer …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
For EV charging applications, performance of LLC resonance half-bridge is greatly
influenced by non-linear variations in battery parameters. This has a significant impact on …

A Precise and Fast BPNN-Based Voltage Gain Model of CLLC Converters in All Operation Conditions

Z **ao, Y Jiang, Z Yao, Y Tang - IECON 2023-49th Annual …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The CLLC resonant converters are widely used in data center, battery chargers, electrical
vehicles due to its high efficiency and high power density. The voltage gain characteristic of …