[HTML][HTML] Incorporating Drought and Submergence Tolerance QTL in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)—The Effects under Reproductive Stage Drought and Vegetative Stage …
Drought and submergence have been the major constraint in rice production. The present
study was conducted to develop high-yielding rice lines with tolerance to drought and …
study was conducted to develop high-yielding rice lines with tolerance to drought and …
Sub1 and qDTY3.1 improved tolerance of rice (Oryza sativa L.) lines to drought and submergence stresses
Drought has had a significant impact on rice cultivation and production in Malaysia. Using
the marker-assisted breeding technique, the current study was conducted to introgress the …
the marker-assisted breeding technique, the current study was conducted to introgress the …
Morpho-physiological responses of rice towards submergence tolerance.
AM Ikmal, I Amira, AAS Noraziyah - 2019 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Submergence has been a great abiotic stress in rice cultivation. In this study, fifteen rice
genotypes and IR64-Sub1 as control were evaluated under submergence at vegetative …
genotypes and IR64-Sub1 as control were evaluated under submergence at vegetative …
[PDF][PDF] Response of primed rice (Oryza sativa L.) seeds towards reproductive stage drought stress
Seed priming could be promoted as a potential alternative in alleviating drought stress
challenges in rice cultivation. The present study was conducted as an attempt to verify …
challenges in rice cultivation. The present study was conducted as an attempt to verify …
Interéaction of submergence tolerance and drought yield QTLs (Sub1 and qDTYs) enhances morpho‐physiological traits and survival of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under …
Climate change has caused increasing incidences of the extreme flooding around the world,
which has impacted rice production, especially in rainfed ecosystems. Breeding for …
which has impacted rice production, especially in rainfed ecosystems. Breeding for …
[PDF][PDF] Carbon-ion beam radiosensitivity study and biological responses of high-yielding rice line, MR219-PL-5
The carbon ion-beam has emerged as a novel physical mutagen for creating genetic
variability and crop improvement. In this study, seeds of a high-yielding pyramided rice line …
variability and crop improvement. In this study, seeds of a high-yielding pyramided rice line …
Pyramiding of qDTY1.1 and qDTY3.1 into rice mega-variety Samba Mahsuri-Sub1: physiological performance under water deficit conditions
Water deficit is a crucial factor causing huge loss to rice productivity. The present study
aimed to develop a multiple stress tolerant genotype by pyramiding drought tolerant yield …
aimed to develop a multiple stress tolerant genotype by pyramiding drought tolerant yield …
[PDF][PDF] Genotype-by-environment interaction and stability analysis of qDTYs pyramided rice (Oryza sativa) lines under water-limited environments.
AM Ikmal, AAS Noraziyah, ZPD Ellina, TATNA Riana… - 2020 - researchgate.net
Growing lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) in water-limited environments is a major challenge for
rice farmers. Cultivars suitable for drought conditions will need to be released to overcome …
rice farmers. Cultivars suitable for drought conditions will need to be released to overcome …
Drought-induced changes in the flowering capacity, anthesis quality and seed set in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Drought stress significantly reduces grain yield (GY) due to poor spikelet fertility and
anthesis quality. Aim of this study was to understand the changes of flowering capacity …
anthesis quality. Aim of this study was to understand the changes of flowering capacity …
Evaluation of rice breeding lines containing root QTLs under different water management environments
V Deshmukh, A Kamoshita, N Amézquita, N Espinosa… - Plant Root, 2024 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 Investigating effects of introgressed root-trait QTLs in field environments is a
challenging task. Seven rice BC 3 F 4 lines with at least one of six QTLs for root vertical …
challenging task. Seven rice BC 3 F 4 lines with at least one of six QTLs for root vertical …