[HTML][HTML] Incorporating Drought and Submergence Tolerance QTL in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)—The Effects under Reproductive Stage Drought and Vegetative Stage …

A Mohd Ikmal, AAS Noraziyah, R Wickneswari - Plants, 2021 - mdpi.com
Drought and submergence have been the major constraint in rice production. The present
study was conducted to develop high-yielding rice lines with tolerance to drought and …

Sub1 and qDTY3.1 improved tolerance of rice (Oryza sativa L.) lines to drought and submergence stresses

A Mohd Ikmal, AAS Noraziyah, R Wickneswari… - Euphytica, 2023 - Springer
Drought has had a significant impact on rice cultivation and production in Malaysia. Using
the marker-assisted breeding technique, the current study was conducted to introgress the …

Morpho-physiological responses of rice towards submergence tolerance.

AM Ikmal, I Amira, AAS Noraziyah - 2019 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Submergence has been a great abiotic stress in rice cultivation. In this study, fifteen rice
genotypes and IR64-Sub1 as control were evaluated under submergence at vegetative …

[PDF][PDF] Response of primed rice (Oryza sativa L.) seeds towards reproductive stage drought stress

MS Salleh, MS Nordin, A Puteh, R Shahari… - Sains …, 2021 - ukm.edu.my
Seed priming could be promoted as a potential alternative in alleviating drought stress
challenges in rice cultivation. The present study was conducted as an attempt to verify …

Interéaction of submergence tolerance and drought yield QTLs (Sub1 and qDTYs) enhances morpho‐physiological traits and survival of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under …

A Mohd Ikmal, AAS Noraziyah… - Annals of Applied …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Climate change has caused increasing incidences of the extreme flooding around the world,
which has impacted rice production, especially in rainfed ecosystems. Breeding for …

[PDF][PDF] Carbon-ion beam radiosensitivity study and biological responses of high-yielding rice line, MR219-PL-5

AW Fifika, AM Ikmal, A Faiz, H NOR'AISHAH… - Sains …, 2021 - journalarticle.ukm.my
The carbon ion-beam has emerged as a novel physical mutagen for creating genetic
variability and crop improvement. In this study, seeds of a high-yielding pyramided rice line …

Pyramiding of qDTY1.1 and qDTY3.1 into rice mega-variety Samba Mahsuri-Sub1: physiological performance under water deficit conditions

M Rai, D Chucha, D Deepika, B Lap… - … and Molecular Biology …, 2023 - Springer
Water deficit is a crucial factor causing huge loss to rice productivity. The present study
aimed to develop a multiple stress tolerant genotype by pyramiding drought tolerant yield …

[PDF][PDF] Genotype-by-environment interaction and stability analysis of qDTYs pyramided rice (Oryza sativa) lines under water-limited environments.

AM Ikmal, AAS Noraziyah, ZPD Ellina, TATNA Riana… - 2020 - researchgate.net
Growing lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) in water-limited environments is a major challenge for
rice farmers. Cultivars suitable for drought conditions will need to be released to overcome …

Drought-induced changes in the flowering capacity, anthesis quality and seed set in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

MS Salleh, MS Nordin, A Puteh… - Tropical Life …, 2022 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Drought stress significantly reduces grain yield (GY) due to poor spikelet fertility and
anthesis quality. Aim of this study was to understand the changes of flowering capacity …

Evaluation of rice breeding lines containing root QTLs under different water management environments

V Deshmukh, A Kamoshita, N Amézquita, N Espinosa… - Plant Root, 2024 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 Investigating effects of introgressed root-trait QTLs in field environments is a
challenging task. Seven rice BC 3 F 4 lines with at least one of six QTLs for root vertical …