Plastics in soil: Analytical methods and possible sources
At least 300 Mio t of plastic are produced annually, from which large parts end up in the
environment, where it persists over decades, harms biota and enters the food chain. Yet …
environment, where it persists over decades, harms biota and enters the food chain. Yet …
[HTML][HTML] Phosphorus mobilization in plant–soil environments and inspired strategies for managing phosphorus: A review
Crop productivity and yield are adversely affected by the deficiency of P in agricultural soil.
Phosphate fertilizers are used at a large scale to improve crop yields globally. With the rapid …
Phosphate fertilizers are used at a large scale to improve crop yields globally. With the rapid …
The distribution of microplastics in soil aggregate fractions in southwestern China
Plastic particle accumulation in arable soils is a growing contaminant of concern with
unknown consequences for soil productivity and quality. This study aimed to investigate …
unknown consequences for soil productivity and quality. This study aimed to investigate …
Nanocomposites for delivering agrochemicals: A comprehensive review
Excessive application of fertilizers negatively affects soil health, causes low nutrient
utilization efficiency in plants, and leads to environmental pollution. The application of …
utilization efficiency in plants, and leads to environmental pollution. The application of …
[HTML][HTML] Long-term excessive phosphorus fertilization alters soil phosphorus fractions in the acidic soil of pomelo orchards
The effects of long-term excessive phosphorus (P) fertilization on the P fraction changes and
P loss risk in orchard soils remain unclear. This study aimed to assess the concentrations of …
P loss risk in orchard soils remain unclear. This study aimed to assess the concentrations of …
Combining spectroscopic and isotopic techniques gives a dynamic view of phosphorus cycling in soil
Current understanding of phosphorus (P) cycling in soils can be enhanced by integrating
previously discrete findings concerning P speciation, exchange kinetics, and the underlying …
previously discrete findings concerning P speciation, exchange kinetics, and the underlying …
Role of soil phosphorus on legume production
Legumes play a significant role in sustainable agriculture through their ability to improve soil
fertility and health. Legumes, with a mutual symbiotic relationship with some bacteria in soil …
fertility and health. Legumes, with a mutual symbiotic relationship with some bacteria in soil …
Agronomic performance of P recycling fertilizers and methods to predict it: a review
Phosphorus (P) is an essential element for all life forms, and P-availability thus an important
driver of a functioning agriculture. However, phosphate rock resources for P-fertilizer …
driver of a functioning agriculture. However, phosphate rock resources for P-fertilizer …
[HTML][HTML] On the tropical soils; The influence of organic matter (OM) on phosphate bioavailability
FS Mabagala - Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 2022 - Elsevier
Application of organic manure (OM) and crop residues in agricultural soils can potentially
influence positively or negatively the availability of soil phosphorus (P) through soil …
influence positively or negatively the availability of soil phosphorus (P) through soil …
Ecologically relevant phosphorus pools in soils and their dynamics: The story so far
There has been much soil phosphorus (P) research in the last decades, but few basic
publications exist summarizing the current state of knowledge on ecologically relevant P …
publications exist summarizing the current state of knowledge on ecologically relevant P …