Physics of ultrathin films and heterostructures of rare-earth nickelates
The electronic structure of transition metal oxides featuring correlated electrons can be
rationalized within the Zaanen-Sawatzky-Allen framework. Following a brief description of …
rationalized within the Zaanen-Sawatzky-Allen framework. Following a brief description of …
Magnetic oxide heterostructures
Complex transition metal oxides have played a central role in the study of magnetic
materials, serving as model systems for explorations of fundamental exchange interactions …
materials, serving as model systems for explorations of fundamental exchange interactions …
Charge disproportionation without charge transfer in the rare-earth-element nickelates as a possible mechanism for the metal-insulator transition
We study a model for the metal-insulator (MI) transition in the rare-earth-element nickelates
R NiO 3, based upon a negative charge transfer energy and coupling to a rocksaltlike lattice …
R NiO 3, based upon a negative charge transfer energy and coupling to a rocksaltlike lattice …
Fundamentals of tin iodide perovskites: a promising route to highly efficient, lead-free solar cells
Hybrid tin-iodide perovskites are investigated as potential lead-free replacement of the lead-
iodide perovskites; however, the intrinsic operational limit of these systems has not been …
iodide perovskites; however, the intrinsic operational limit of these systems has not been …
Conductivity and Local Structure of LaNiO3 Thin Films
A marked conductivity enhancement is reported in 6–11 unit cell LaNiO3 thin films. A
maximal conductivity is also observed in ab initio calculations for films of the same thickness …
maximal conductivity is also observed in ab initio calculations for films of the same thickness …
Orbital control of noncollinear magnetic order in nickel oxide heterostructures
We have used resonant x-ray diffraction to develop a detailed description of
antiferromagnetic ordering in epitaxial superlattices based on two-unit-cell thick layers of the …
antiferromagnetic ordering in epitaxial superlattices based on two-unit-cell thick layers of the …
Tunable Charge and Spin Order in Thin Films and Superlattices
We use polarized Raman scattering to probe lattice vibrations and charge ordering in 12 nm
thick, epitaxially strained PrNiO 3 films, and in superlattices of PrNiO 3 with the band …
thick, epitaxially strained PrNiO 3 films, and in superlattices of PrNiO 3 with the band …
Low electron-polar optical phonon scattering as a fundamental aspect of carrier mobility in methylammonium lead halide CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 perovskites
High carrier mobility is often invoked to justify the exceptionally long diffusion length in
CH3NH3PbI3 perovskites. Using a combination of an ab initio band structure and scattering …
CH3NH3PbI3 perovskites. Using a combination of an ab initio band structure and scattering …
Theory of the Magnetic and Metal-Insulator Transitions in Bulk and Layered Structures
B Lau, AJ Millis - Physical Review Letters, 2013 - APS
A slave rotor—Hartree-Fock formalism is presented for studying the properties of the pd
model describing perovskite transition metal oxides, and a flexible and efficient numerical …
model describing perovskite transition metal oxides, and a flexible and efficient numerical …
Appealing perspectives of hybrid lead–iodide perovskites as thermoelectric materials
The fundamental properties of lead halide perovskites, rivaling those of conventional
semiconductors, make these systems attractive not just for solar cells but also for a broader …
semiconductors, make these systems attractive not just for solar cells but also for a broader …