[PDF][PDF] Towards an open cinema: Revisiting Alain Bergala's The Cinema Hypothesis within a global field of film education

J Chambers - Film Education Journal, 2018‏ - research.ed.ac.uk
Abstract This paper reconsiders The Cinema Hypothesis and the propensity of Alain
Bergala's cine-pedagogy to serve as an agent of interconnectivity within a slowly emergent …

Sixteen years of 'Cinema in progress': Exploring Cinema en curs's holistic approaches to film education in conversation with Núria Aidelman and Laia Colell

J Chambers - Film Education Journal, 2021‏ - research.ed.ac.uk
Abstract Established in Catalonia in 2005, Cinema en curs is now one of the most significant
film education projects worldwide. This article places selections from interviews conducted …