A review on the computational methods of power system stabilizer for dam** power network oscillations
R Devarapalli, NK Sinha… - Archives of Computational …, 2022 - Springer
Uncertainty in the operating condition deviation from the normal equilibrium point in the
transmission level of the power system is being an important problem due to the increasing …
transmission level of the power system is being an important problem due to the increasing …
A recent review on approaches to design power system stabilizers: Status, challenges and future scope
Modern power system networks are complex and subjected to several uncertainties. Due to
the complexity and uncertainties involved in power system operation, the networks are …
the complexity and uncertainties involved in power system operation, the networks are …
[HTML][HTML] Multi-machine power system transient stability enhancement utilizing a fractional order-based nonlinear stabilizer
A Fathollahi, B Andresen - Fractal and Fractional, 2023 - mdpi.com
Given the intricate nature of contemporary energy systems, addressing the control and
stability analysis of these systems necessitates the consideration of highly large-scale …
stability analysis of these systems necessitates the consideration of highly large-scale …
DSP-based implementation of fast terminal synergetic control for a DC–DC Buck converter
Finite time convergence based on robust synergetic control (SC) theory and terminal
attractor techniques is investigated. To this end a fast terminal synergetic control law (FTSC) …
attractor techniques is investigated. To this end a fast terminal synergetic control law (FTSC) …
Forced sliding mode control for chaotic systems synchronization
AA Kuz'menko - Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022 - Springer
Synchronization of chaotic systems is considered to be a common engineering problem.
However, the proposed laws of synchronization control do not always provide robustness …
However, the proposed laws of synchronization control do not always provide robustness …
The implementation of synergetic control for a DC-DC buck-boost converter
K Wang, D Liu, L Wang - Procedia Computer Science, 2022 - Elsevier
In order to solve the nonlinear control problem of DC-DC Buck-Boost converter in switching
power supply, the synergetic control method is adopted and applied to DC-DC Buck-Boost …
power supply, the synergetic control method is adopted and applied to DC-DC Buck-Boost …
Comprehensive learning bat algorithm for optimal coordinated tuning of power system stabilizers and static VAR compensator in power systems
This article presents a novel comprehensive learning bat algorithm (CLBAT) for the optimal
coordinated design of power system stabilizers (PSSs) and static VAR compensator (SVC) …
coordinated design of power system stabilizers (PSSs) and static VAR compensator (SVC) …
An enhanced and auto‐tuned power system stabilizer based on optimized interval type‐2 fuzzy PID scheme
In this paper, an innovative optimized type‐2 fuzzy PID power system stabilizer is proposed
to enhance the stability of the power system. This stabilizer is a combination of PID controller …
to enhance the stability of the power system. This stabilizer is a combination of PID controller …
Design and real-time implementation of an adaptive fast terminal synergetic controller based on dual RBF neural networks for voltage control of DC–DC step-down …
B Babes, A Boutaghane, N Hamouda - Electrical engineering, 2022 - Springer
In this study, an improved Adaptive Fast Terminal Synergetic Controller (AFTSC) using Dual
Radial Basis Function (RBF) Neural Networks (NNs) for output voltage control of an …
Radial Basis Function (RBF) Neural Networks (NNs) for output voltage control of an …
Robust design of fuzzy‐based power system stabiliser considering uncertainties of loading conditions and transmission line parameters
Ensuring the efficiency and robustness of a power system stabiliser is indebted to provide a
comprehensive scheme that considers significant uncertainties in variables and parameters …
comprehensive scheme that considers significant uncertainties in variables and parameters …