Conventional laboratory housing increases morbidity and mortality in research rodents: results of a meta-analysis
Background Over 120 million mice and rats are used annually in research, conventionally
housed in shoebox-sized cages that restrict natural behaviours (eg nesting and burrowing) …
housed in shoebox-sized cages that restrict natural behaviours (eg nesting and burrowing) …
[HTML][HTML] How much'enrichment'is enough for laboratory rodents? A systematic review and meta-analysis re-assessing the impact of well-resourced cages on morbidity …
Laboratory rodent housing often fails to meet rodents' behavioral and physiological needs.
We previously found that compared to well-resourced (often called 'enriched') housing …
We previously found that compared to well-resourced (often called 'enriched') housing …
Neurobiology of pathogen avoidance and mate choice: Current and future directions
Simple Summary The risk of parasitic infection has a major influence on animal behaviour.
Organisms must adjust their behaviour to avoid various modes of parasitic infection and …
Organisms must adjust their behaviour to avoid various modes of parasitic infection and …
Waking inactivity as a welfare indicator in laboratory mice: investigating postures, facial expressions and depression-like states
Animal welfare assessment relies on valid and practical indicators of affect. In mice, the most
widely used research vertebrates, lying still with eyes open, inactive-but-awake (IBA) in the …
widely used research vertebrates, lying still with eyes open, inactive-but-awake (IBA) in the …
The laboratory mouse: Biology, behaviour, enrichment and welfare: first principles and real solutions for laboratory mice
This chapter illustrates the detailed steps and understanding required to avoid preventable
welfare impacts of housing and husbandry, monitor for physical and behavioural health …
welfare impacts of housing and husbandry, monitor for physical and behavioural health …
An overview of behavioral management for laboratory animals
SJ Schapiro - Behavioral Biology of Laboratory Animals, 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter provides a “big picture” view of the value of implementing behavioral
management programs for animals in captivity, especially those that are likely to be involved …
management programs for animals in captivity, especially those that are likely to be involved …
Implications of Conventional Laboratory Housing for Rodent Health, Welfare and Scientific Validity
J Cait - 2023 - atrium.lib.uoguelph.ca
Biomedical research relies heavily on mice and rats as animal models for studying human
diseases. To ensure this research is conducted ethically, research benefits should exceed …
diseases. To ensure this research is conducted ethically, research benefits should exceed …
[PDF][PDF] The impact of social isolation on laboratory rodent health: a protocol for a systematic review
1 Title: The impact of social isolation on laboratory rodent health: a protocol for a systematic
review. Authors: Jessica Cait1, Page 1 1 Title: The impact of social isolation on laboratory …
review. Authors: Jessica Cait1, Page 1 1 Title: The impact of social isolation on laboratory …
Do conventional cages make laboratory mice depressed? A framework for identifying animal depression
A MacLellan - 2023 - atrium.lib.uoguelph.ca
For decades, parallels have been drawn between animals in suboptimal conditions and
humans experiencing clinical depression. This is true of biomedical research using animals …
humans experiencing clinical depression. This is true of biomedical research using animals …
[PDF][PDF] Interactive effects of experimental outcomes and laboratory rodent housing: a protocol for a systematic review
Rationale: Over 120 million rodents are used in research each year globally [2-4], most of
which are housed in barren shoebox-sized cages, often containing little more than food …
which are housed in barren shoebox-sized cages, often containing little more than food …