Structural, FTIR and photoluminescence studies of Cu doped ZnO nanopowders by co-precipitation method
S Muthukumaran, R Gopalakrishnan - Optical Materials, 2012 - Elsevier
Cu doped ZnO (Zn1− xCuxO, x= 0, 0.02, 0.04 and 0.06) nanopowders have been
synthesized by co-precipitation method and annealed at 500° C for 2h under Ar atmosphere …
synthesized by co-precipitation method and annealed at 500° C for 2h under Ar atmosphere …
Visible light sensitive Cu doped ZnO: facile synthesis, characterization and high photocatalytic response
Abstract The different concentrations of 0.0, 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 wt% Cu-doped ZnO (Cu@ ZnO)
nanoparticles (NPs) have been synthesized for opto-photocatalytic applications by a facile …
nanoparticles (NPs) have been synthesized for opto-photocatalytic applications by a facile …
Synthesis and characterization of Cu-doped ZnO one-dimensional structures for miniaturized sensor applications with faster response
Detection of chemicals and biological species is an important issue to human health and
safety. In this paper, we report the hydrothermal synthesis at 95° C of Cu-doped ZnO low …
safety. In this paper, we report the hydrothermal synthesis at 95° C of Cu-doped ZnO low …
Band gap widening and narrowing in Cu-doped ZnO thin films
Abstract Cu-doped Zinc Oxide (Cusingle bond ZnO) thin films have been prepared on silicon
and quartz substrates by sol-gel spin coating method. These films were further annealed at …
and quartz substrates by sol-gel spin coating method. These films were further annealed at …
The optoelectronic properties and role of Cu concentration on the structural and electrical properties of Cu doped ZnO nanoparticles
In the current study, we synthesized a Cu-doped ZnO (CZO) nanoparticles material using a
sol-gel method with different do** concentrations of Cu (0, 2, 3 and 4 at.%). The control of …
sol-gel method with different do** concentrations of Cu (0, 2, 3 and 4 at.%). The control of …
Influence of Cu do** on structural, morphological, photoluminescence, and electrical properties of ZnO nanostructures synthesized by ice-bath assisted …
Abstract Cu-doped ZnO (Zn 1− x Cu x O, x= 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05) nanocrystals
were synthesized by ice-bath assisted sonochemical method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) …
were synthesized by ice-bath assisted sonochemical method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) …
Cu: ZnO deposited on porous ceramic substrates by a simple thermal method for photocatalytic application
Thin films of undoped zinc oxide (ZnO) and doped ZnO with copper were deposited on
ceramic pellets made from abundant local clay materials with an addition of zirconia (ZrO 2) …
ceramic pellets made from abundant local clay materials with an addition of zirconia (ZrO 2) …
Cu-doped ZnO nanoneedles and nanonails: morphological evolution and physical properties
Controlling novel morphologies and develo** effective do** strategies are two
important tasks for advancing ZnO-based nanomaterials. We have grown vertically aligned …
important tasks for advancing ZnO-based nanomaterials. We have grown vertically aligned …
Antibacterial study of silver doped zinc oxide nanoparticles against Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis
Objectives The present study has been undertaken to synthesize silver doped zinc oxide
nanoparticles, with pharmaceutical importance. The synthesized particles have been …
nanoparticles, with pharmaceutical importance. The synthesized particles have been …
Antibacterial Studies of ZnO and Cu-Doped ZnO Nanoparticles Synthesized Using Aqueous Leaf Extract of Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
Abstract Zinc oxide (ZnO) and Cu-doped ZnO nanoparticles (1% and 5%; Cu-doped ZnO
NPs) were synthesized using aqueous leaf extract of Stachytarpheta jamaicensis …
NPs) were synthesized using aqueous leaf extract of Stachytarpheta jamaicensis …