Male mate choice in livebearing fishes: an overview

I Schlupp - Current Zoology, 2018‏ -
Although the majority of studies on mate choice focus on female mate choice, there is
growing recognition of the role of male mate choice too. Male mate choice is tightly linked to …

The female perspective of personality in a wild songbird: repeatable aggressiveness relates to exploration behaviour

B Thys, R Pinxten, T Raap, G De Meester… - Scientific Reports, 2017‏ -
Males often express traits that improve competitive ability, such as aggressiveness. Females
also express such traits but our understanding about why is limited. Intraspecific aggression …

Beyond a biased binary: a perspective on the misconceptions, challenges, and implications of studying females in avian behavioral endocrinology

KO Smiley, SE Lipshutz, AA Kimmitt… - Frontiers in …, 2022‏ -
For decades, avian endocrinology has been informed by male perspectives and male-
focused research, leaving significant gaps in our understanding of female birds. Male birds …

Female song rates in response to simulated intruder are positively related to reproductive success

KE Cain, A Cockburn, NE Langmore - Frontiers in Ecology and …, 2015‏ -
Bird song is well studied in males as a sexually selected behavior. However, although song
is also common among females, it is infrequently examined and poorly understood …

Female and male song rates across breeding stage: testing for sexual and nonsexual functions of female song

KE Cain, NE Langmore - Animal Behaviour, 2015‏ - Elsevier
Highlights•Females might use song to communicate with males or to compete with other
females.•We measured female and male song across stage, and in response to female …

[کتاب][B] Male choice, female competition, and female ornaments in sexual selection

I Schlupp - 2021‏ -
When Charles Darwin first proposed Sexual Selection Theory, he suggested two
mechanisms: competition among males and choice by females. Although their importance is …

Conspicuous plumage does not increase predation risk: a continent-wide test using model songbirds

KE Cain, ML Hall, I Medina, AV Leitao… - The American …, 2019‏ -
The forces sha** female plumage color have long been debated but remain unresolved.
Females may benefit from conspicuous colors but are also expected to suffer costs …

Evolution of female coloration: what have we learned from birds in general and blue tits in particular

C Doutrelant, A Fargevieille, A Grégoire - Advances in the Study of …, 2020‏ - Elsevier
Female ornaments have long been considered non-functional, but a paradigm shift has
occurred over the 2 last decades. The adaptive nature of female ornaments is now widely …

Differential introgression of a female competitive trait in a hybrid zone between sex-role reversed species

SE Lipshutz, JI Meier, GE Derryberry, MJ Miller… - …, 2019‏ -
Mating behavior between recently diverged species in secondary contact can impede or
promote reproductive isolation. Traditionally, researchers focus on the importance of female …

Female song and aggression show contrasting relationships to reproductive success when habitat quality differs

KE Cain, NE Langmore - Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2016‏ - Springer
Though well studied in males, little is known about the factors influencing variation in
expression of exaggerated traits such as intense aggression, elaborate ornaments, and …