[HTML][HTML] System-wide vulnerability of multi-component software
In software systems comprised of many interconnected components, the vulnerability of
each component will affect the vulnerability of other components and of the system as a …
each component will affect the vulnerability of other components and of the system as a …
[HTML][HTML] Efficient feature selection for static analysis vulnerability prediction
Common software vulnerabilities can result in severe security breaches, financial losses,
and reputation deterioration and require research effort to improve software security. The …
and reputation deterioration and require research effort to improve software security. The …
A hierarchical model for quantifying software security based on static analysis alerts and software metrics
Despite the acknowledged importance of quantitative security assessment in secure
software development, current literature still lacks an efficient model for measuring internal …
software development, current literature still lacks an efficient model for measuring internal …
Smart SDN management of fog services to optimize QoS and energy
The short latency required by IoT devices that need to access specific services have led to
the development of Fog architectures that can serve as a useful intermediary between IoT …
the development of Fog architectures that can serve as a useful intermediary between IoT …
Review of some recent european cybersecurity research and innovation projects
M Çağlayan - Infocommunications Journal, 2022 - avesis.yasar.edu.tr
This paper reviews research from several EU Projects that have addressed cybersecurity
using techniques based on Machine Learning, including the security of Mobile Networks …
using techniques based on Machine Learning, including the security of Mobile Networks …
Design and modeling of intelligent building office and thermal comfort based on probabilistic neural network
Thermal comfort is strictly related to the efficient use of the environmental and energy
resources to maintain or improve the quality life and thermal well-being of the residents. This …
resources to maintain or improve the quality life and thermal well-being of the residents. This …
[HTML][HTML] Minimizing energy and computation in long-running software
Long-running software may operate on hardware platforms with limited energy resources
such as batteries or photovoltaic, or on high-performance platforms that consume a large …
such as batteries or photovoltaic, or on high-performance platforms that consume a large …
A methodology of automatic class diagrams generation from source code using model-driven architecture and machine learning to achieve energy efficiency
The automated generation of class diagrams is a crucial task in software engineering,
facilitating the understanding, analysis, and documentation of complex software systems …
facilitating the understanding, analysis, and documentation of complex software systems …
[PDF][PDF] Energy, qos and security aware edge services
With the development of communication technologies and the increasing bandwidth of
optical fibres and transmission speeds in current 5G and future 6G wireless networks, there …
optical fibres and transmission speeds in current 5G and future 6G wireless networks, there …
[KNYGA][B] Security in Computer and Information Sciences: First International ISCIS Security Workshop 2018, Euro-CYBERSEC 2018, London, UK, February 26-27 …
This open access book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the First
International ISCIS Security Workshop 2018, Euro-CYBERSEC 2018, held in London, UK, in …
International ISCIS Security Workshop 2018, Euro-CYBERSEC 2018, held in London, UK, in …