Pair spin–orbit interaction in low-dimensional electron systems

Y Gindikin, VA Sablikov - The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2020 - Springer
The pair spin–orbit interaction (PSOI) is the spin–orbit component of the electron–electron
interaction that originates from the Coulomb fields of the electrons. This relativistic …

Deformed Wigner crystal in a one-dimensional quantum dot

Y Gindikin, VA Sablikov - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and …, 2007 - APS
The spatial Fourier spectrum of the electron density distribution in a finite one-dimensional
system and the distribution function of electrons over single-particle states are studied in …

Density of states of a strongly correlated quantum dot coupled to Luttinger liquid leads

KH Yang, Y Chen, HY Wang, BY Liu - Physics Letters A, 2013 - Elsevier
We theoretically investigate the density of states (DOS) of a quantum dot weakly coupled to
Luttinger liquid (LL) leads in the Kondo regime by use of the equation-of-motion technique of …

Luttinger-liquid-like behavior in bulk crystals of the quasi-one-dimensional conductor NbSe

SV Zaitsev-Zotov, MSH Go, E Slot… - arxiv preprint cond-mat …, 2001 -
CDW/Normal metal/CDW junctions and nanoconstrictions in crystals of the quasi-one-
dimensional conductor NbSe $ _3 $ are manufactured using a focused-ion-beam. It is found …

Dynamic transport in a quantum wire driven by spin–orbit interaction

Y Gindikin - physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
A gated one‐dimensional (1D) quantum wire is considered, which is disturbed in a
contactless manner by an alternating electric field produced by the tip of a scanning probe …

[PDF][PDF] Эффекты парного спин-орбитального взаимодействия и коррелированные состояния в низкоразмерных электронных системах

ЯВ Гиндикин -
Актуальность темы. Одним из главных источников нетривиальных эффектов в физике
конденсированного состояния является электрон-электронное взаимодействие [1]. В …

Collective charge modes in a 1D electron liquid

Y Gindikin, VA Sablikov - Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and …, 2003 - Elsevier
A new behavior of the collective mode in a 1D electron liquid is found. The charge mode
frequency goes to zero when the wave number is close to double Fermi wave number, ie the …

A strongly correlated electron state at one-dimensional quantum points

YV Gindikin, VA Sablikov - Journal of Communications Technology and …, 2007 - Springer
The method of exact diagnoalization is applied to find the distribution of electrons over
single-particle states at a 1D quantum point and the Fourier spectrum of the electron density …

Soft collective charge mode in a 1D electron system

VA Sablikov, Y Gindikin - 10th International Symposium on …, 2003 -
A new property of the charge collective mode in a 1D electron system is found. In the wave
number region close to 2k F (k F being the Fermi wave number) the mode frequency goes to …

[PDF][PDF] Dynamic susceptibility of 1D conductors: the short-range electron correlation effect

VA Sablikov - NANOSTRUCTURES, 2001 -
The dynamic density response and susceptibility of interacting electrons in 1D conductors is
investigated taking into account the electron correlations reflecting the short-range order in a …