User interface for a file system shell
JF Moore, GM Sierra, RM Banks, LKF Wong… - US Patent …, 2010 - Google Patents
2005-10-07 Assigned to MICROSOFT CORPORATION reassignment MICROSOFT
System and method for XML data representation of portlets
PB Griffin - US Patent 7,367,014, 2008 - Google Patents
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Partition management in a partitioned, scalable, and available structured storage
BG Calder, J Wang, AE Skjolsvold, S Srivastav… - US Patent …, 2018 - Google Patents
Partition management for a scalable, structured storage system is provided. The storage
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system provides storage represented by one or more tables, each of which includes rows …
Data archiving system
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System and method for server security and entitlement processing
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Ordered-element naming for name-based packet forwarding
I Solis - US Patent 9,978,025, 2018 - Google Patents
A name-based content-forwarding system generates an ordered-element name for a content
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Controlling the spread of interests and content in a content centric network
VL Jacobson, DK Smetters - US Patent 9,456,054, 2016 - Google Patents
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System and method for web-based personalization and ecommerce management
G Smith, DB Olander, T Stamm, R Bergman… - US Patent …, 2009 - Google Patents
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File system shell
JF Moore, NH Ballou, RM Banks, TK Beam… - US Patent …, 2008 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A file system shell is provided. One aspect of the shell pro vides virtual
folders which expose regular files and folders to users in different views based on their …
folders which expose regular files and folders to users in different views based on their …
Stack icons representing multiple objects
PA Gusmorino, C Cummins, DG De Vorchik… - US Patent …, 2010 - Google Patents
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