Nature and causes of Quaternary climate variation of tropical South America
This selective review of the Quaternary paleoclimate of the South American summer
monsoon (SASM) domain presents viewpoints regarding a range of key issues in the field …
monsoon (SASM) domain presents viewpoints regarding a range of key issues in the field …
Tectonics and climate of the southern central Andes
The history of the southern central Andes, including the world's second largest plateau and
adjacent intermontane basins and ranges of the Eastern Cordillera and the northern Sierras …
adjacent intermontane basins and ranges of the Eastern Cordillera and the northern Sierras …
Elevated Southern Hemisphere moisture availability during glacial periods
Late Pleistocene ice-age climates are routinely characterized as having imposed moisture
stress on low-to mid-latitude ecosystems,,,–. This idea is largely based on fossil pollen …
stress on low-to mid-latitude ecosystems,,,–. This idea is largely based on fossil pollen …
A tenfold slowdown in river meander migration driven by plant life
Meandering rivers are diagnostic landforms of hydrologically active planets, and their
migration regulates the continental component of biogeochemical cycles that stabilize …
migration regulates the continental component of biogeochemical cycles that stabilize …
Water‐stable isotopes in the LMDZ4 general circulation model: Model evaluation for present‐day and past climates and applications to climatic interpretations of …
We present simulations of water‐stable isotopes from the LMDZ general circulation model
(the LMDZ‐iso GCM) and evaluate them at different time scales (synoptic to interannual) …
(the LMDZ‐iso GCM) and evaluate them at different time scales (synoptic to interannual) …
Geochronology and stratigraphy of late Pleistocene lake cycles on the southern Bolivian Altiplano: implications for causes of tropical climate change
C Placzek, J Quade, PJ Patchett - Geological Society of …, 2006 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Abstract Large paleolakes (∼ 33,000–60,000 km2) that once occupied the high-altitude
Poopo, Coipasa, and Uyuni Basins in southern Bolivia (18–22° S) provide evidence of major …
Poopo, Coipasa, and Uyuni Basins in southern Bolivia (18–22° S) provide evidence of major …
Stable isotopes in precipitation recording South American summer monsoon and ENSO variability: observations and model results
Abstract The South American Summer Monsoon (SASM) is a prominent feature of
summertime climate over South America and has been identified in a number of …
summertime climate over South America and has been identified in a number of …
Late Quaternary hydrological and ecological changes in the hyperarid core of the northern Atacama Desert (~ 21 S)
The hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert possesses important reserves of “fossil” or ancient
groundwater, yet the extent and timing of past hydrologic change during the late Quaternary …
groundwater, yet the extent and timing of past hydrologic change during the late Quaternary …
Climatic fluctuations in the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert during the past 215 ka
Paleoclimate records from the Atacama Desert are rare and mostly discontinuous, mainly
recording runoff from the Precordillera to the east, rather than local precipitation. Until now …
recording runoff from the Precordillera to the east, rather than local precipitation. Until now …
The rise and fall of the Refugial Hypothesis of Amazonian speciation: a paleoecological perspective
The refugial hypothesis is treated as the definitive history of Amazonian forests in many
texts. Surprisingly, this important theoretical framework has not been based on …
texts. Surprisingly, this important theoretical framework has not been based on …