Nature and causes of Quaternary climate variation of tropical South America

PA Baker, SC Fritz - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2015 - Elsevier
This selective review of the Quaternary paleoclimate of the South American summer
monsoon (SASM) domain presents viewpoints regarding a range of key issues in the field …

Tectonics and climate of the southern central Andes

MR Strecker, RN Alonso, B Bookhagen… - Annu. Rev. Earth …, 2007 -
The history of the southern central Andes, including the world's second largest plateau and
adjacent intermontane basins and ranges of the Eastern Cordillera and the northern Sierras …

Elevated Southern Hemisphere moisture availability during glacial periods

R Weij, JMK Sniderman, JD Woodhead, JC Hellstrom… - Nature, 2024 -
Late Pleistocene ice-age climates are routinely characterized as having imposed moisture
stress on low-to mid-latitude ecosystems,,,–. This idea is largely based on fossil pollen …

A tenfold slowdown in river meander migration driven by plant life

A Ielpi, MGA Lapôtre - Nature Geoscience, 2020 -
Meandering rivers are diagnostic landforms of hydrologically active planets, and their
migration regulates the continental component of biogeochemical cycles that stabilize …

Water‐stable isotopes in the LMDZ4 general circulation model: Model evaluation for present‐day and past climates and applications to climatic interpretations of …

C Risi, S Bony, F Vimeux… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
We present simulations of water‐stable isotopes from the LMDZ general circulation model
(the LMDZ‐iso GCM) and evaluate them at different time scales (synoptic to interannual) …

Geochronology and stratigraphy of late Pleistocene lake cycles on the southern Bolivian Altiplano: implications for causes of tropical climate change

C Placzek, J Quade, PJ Patchett - Geological Society of …, 2006 -
Abstract Large paleolakes (∼ 33,000–60,000 km2) that once occupied the high-altitude
Poopo, Coipasa, and Uyuni Basins in southern Bolivia (18–22° S) provide evidence of major …

Stable isotopes in precipitation recording South American summer monsoon and ENSO variability: observations and model results

M Vuille, M Werner - Climate Dynamics, 2005 - Springer
Abstract The South American Summer Monsoon (SASM) is a prominent feature of
summertime climate over South America and has been identified in a number of …

Late Quaternary hydrological and ecological changes in the hyperarid core of the northern Atacama Desert (~ 21 S)

EM Gayo, C Latorre, TE Jordan, PL Nester… - Earth-Science …, 2012 - Elsevier
The hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert possesses important reserves of “fossil” or ancient
groundwater, yet the extent and timing of past hydrologic change during the late Quaternary …

Climatic fluctuations in the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert during the past 215 ka

B Ritter, V Wennrich, A Medialdea, D Brill, G King… - Scientific Reports, 2019 -
Paleoclimate records from the Atacama Desert are rare and mostly discontinuous, mainly
recording runoff from the Precordillera to the east, rather than local precipitation. Until now …

The rise and fall of the Refugial Hypothesis of Amazonian speciation: a paleoecological perspective

MB Bush, PE Oliveira - Biota Neotropica, 2006 - SciELO Brasil
The refugial hypothesis is treated as the definitive history of Amazonian forests in many
texts. Surprisingly, this important theoretical framework has not been based on …