Spinning strings and integrable spin chains in the AdS/CFT correspondence
J Plefka - Living Reviews in Relativity, 2005 - Springer
In this introductory review we discuss dynamical tests of the AdS 5× S 5 string/\mathcalN=4
Super Yang-Mills duality. After a brief introduction to AdS/CFT, we argue that semiclassical …
Super Yang-Mills duality. After a brief introduction to AdS/CFT, we argue that semiclassical …
[PDF][PDF] The SU (2| 2) dynamic S-matrix
N Beisert - 2008 - projecteuclid.org
We derive and investigate the S-matrix for the su (2| 3) dynamic spin chain and for planar N=
4 super Yang–Mills. Due to the large amount of residual symmetry in the excitation picture …
4 super Yang–Mills. Due to the large amount of residual symmetry in the excitation picture …
Foundations of the AdS5× S5 superstring: I
G Arutyunov, S Frolov - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and …, 2009 - iopscience.iop.org
We review the recent advances towards finding the spectrum of the AdS 5× S 5 superstring.
We thoroughly explain the theoretical techniques which should be useful for the ultimate …
We thoroughly explain the theoretical techniques which should be useful for the ultimate …
Long-range PSU (2, 2| 4) Bethe ansaetze for gauge theory and strings
N Beisert, M Staudacher - Nuclear Physics B, 2005 - Elsevier
We generalize various existing higher-loop Bethe ansätze for simple sectors of the
integrable long-range dynamic spin chain describing planar N= 4 super-Yang–Mills theory …
integrable long-range dynamic spin chain describing planar N= 4 super-Yang–Mills theory …
Lax pair for strings in Lunin-Maldacena background
S Frolov - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2005 - iopscience.iop.org
Abstract Recently Lunin and Maldacena used an SL (3, Bbb R) transformation of the AdS 5×
S 5 background to generate a supergravity solution dual to a so-called β-deformation of …
S 5 background to generate a supergravity solution dual to a so-called β-deformation of …
A review of the AdS/CFT quantum spectral curve
F Levkovich-Maslyuk - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
We give an introduction to the Quantum Spectral Curve in AdS/CFT. This is an integrability-
based framework which provides the exact spectrum of planar super Yang–Mills theory (and …
based framework which provides the exact spectrum of planar super Yang–Mills theory (and …
Integrability and the AdS 3/CFT 2 correspondence
A Babichenko, B Stefański, K Zarembo - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010 - Springer
We investigate the AdS 3/CFT 2 correspondence for theories with 16 supercharges using
the integrability approach. We construct Green-Schwarz actions for Type IIB strings on AdS …
the integrability approach. We construct Green-Schwarz actions for Type IIB strings on AdS …
Wrap** interactions and a new source of corrections to the spin-chain/string duality
Assuming that the world-sheet sigma-model in the AdS/CFT correspondence is an
integrable quantum field theory, we deduce that there might be new corrections to the spin …
integrable quantum field theory, we deduce that there might be new corrections to the spin …
The Algebraic Curve of Classical Superstrings on AdS 5×S 5
N Beisert, VA Kazakov, K Sakai, K Zarembo - … in Mathematical Physics, 2006 - Springer
We investigate the monodromy of the Lax connection for classical IIB superstrings on AdS
5× S 5. For any solution of the equations of motion we derive a spectral curve of degree 4+ …
5× S 5. For any solution of the equations of motion we derive a spectral curve of degree 4+ …
Gauge-string duality for superconformal deformations of N= 4 super Yang-Mills theory
We analyze in detail the relation between an exactly marginal deformation of Script N= 4
SYM—the Leigh-Strassler or``β-deformation''—and its string theory dual (recently …
SYM—the Leigh-Strassler or``β-deformation''—and its string theory dual (recently …