Recovery after volcanic ash deposition: vegetation effects on soil organic carbon, soil structure and infiltration rates
Background and purpose Volcanic eruptions of pyroclastic tephra, including the ash-sized
fraction (< 2 mm; referred to as volcanic ash), have negative direct impacts on soil quality …
fraction (< 2 mm; referred to as volcanic ash), have negative direct impacts on soil quality …
Sources of uncertainty in the Mazama isopachs and the implications for interpreting distal tephra deposits from large magnitude eruptions
Estimating the area of tephra fallout and volume of large magnitude eruptions is
fundamental to interpretations of the hazards posed by eruptions of this scale. This study …
fundamental to interpretations of the hazards posed by eruptions of this scale. This study …
New insights into source and dispersal of Mediterranean S1 tephra, an early Holocene marker horizon erupted at Mt. Erciyes (Turkey)
Abstract Deposition of early Holocene Eastern Mediterranean S1 tephra and a Black Sea
cryptotephra coincides with cultural transitions in the Fertile Crescent termed the Neolithic …
cryptotephra coincides with cultural transitions in the Fertile Crescent termed the Neolithic …
[HTML][HTML] Doing palaeo-social volcanology: Develo** a framework for systematically investigating the impacts of past volcanic eruptions on human societies using …
F Riede - Quaternary International, 2019 - Elsevier
Over geological and cultural evolutionary timescales, volcanic eruptions are relatively
frequent events. In some parts of the world they are common and usually small in scale, and …
frequent events. In some parts of the world they are common and usually small in scale, and …
[HTML][HTML] The post-2016 long-lasting Vulcanian activity of Sabancaya volcano (Peru) and associated aeolian remobilisation of volcanic ash
The characterisation of tephra deposits resulting from almost simultaneous sedimentation
and wind remobilisation is complex, and multidisciplinary strategies are required in order to …
and wind remobilisation is complex, and multidisciplinary strategies are required in order to …
Long-lasting, small-to-moderate eruptions at composite volcanoes: reconstructing the largest eruption of Mt. Ruapehu (New Zealand) of the last two millennia
Small-to-moderate explosive eruptions involve VEIs≤ 3, tephra volumes≤ 0.1 km3 and
often eject a significant amount of ash-sized pyroclastic material. This reduces the …
often eject a significant amount of ash-sized pyroclastic material. This reduces the …
Tephra transformations: variable preservation of tephra layers from two well-studied eruptions
Volcanologists often use terrestrial tephra layers to reconstruct volcanic eruptions. However,
the conversion of fresh tephra deposits into tephra layers is poorly understood. To address …
the conversion of fresh tephra deposits into tephra layers is poorly understood. To address …
[HTML][HTML] Distal tephra from Campanian eruptions in early Late Holocene fills of the Agro Pontino graben and Fondi basin (Southern Lazio, Italy)
Following on the discovery (in 2011) of a layer of distal tephra from the Pomici di Avellino
eruption (Somma-Vesuvius, EU5) in the Agro Pontino (southern Lazio, Italy), further detailed …
eruption (Somma-Vesuvius, EU5) in the Agro Pontino (southern Lazio, Italy), further detailed …
The interpretative value of transformed tephra sequences
We explore developments in tephra science that consider more than chronology, using case
studies of morphological transformations of tephra deposits. Volcanic processes and …
studies of morphological transformations of tephra deposits. Volcanic processes and …
A new tephrochronological record of a raised bog in eastern lowland Scotland
Cryptotephras have been widely used as a chronological tool for studying past
environmental change, but many temporal and spatial gaps remain in our knowledge of the …
environmental change, but many temporal and spatial gaps remain in our knowledge of the …