The physical mechanisms of induced earthquakes
Anthropogenic operations involving underground fluid extraction or injection can cause
unexpectedly large and even damaging earthquakes, despite operational and regulatory …
unexpectedly large and even damaging earthquakes, despite operational and regulatory …
A critical review of the experimental and theoretical research on cyclic hydraulic fracturing for geothermal reservoir stimulation
Hydraulic fracturing is necessary to stimulate deep geothermal reservoirs. Compared with
traditional hydraulic fracturing (THF), cyclic hydraulic fracturing (CHF) decreases the …
traditional hydraulic fracturing (THF), cyclic hydraulic fracturing (CHF) decreases the …
Green, yellow, red, or out of the blue? An assessment of Traffic Light Schemes to mitigate the impact of hydraulic fracturing-induced seismicity
Mitigating hydraulic fracturing-induced seismicity (HF-IS) poses a challenge for shale gas
companies and regulators alike. The use of Traffic Light Schemes (TLSs) is the most …
companies and regulators alike. The use of Traffic Light Schemes (TLSs) is the most …
Fluid-injection-induced earthquakes characterized by hybrid-frequency waveforms manifest the transition from aseismic to seismic slip
Aseismic slip loading has recently been proposed as a complementary mechanism to
induce moderate-sized earthquakes located within a few kilometers of the wellbore over the …
induce moderate-sized earthquakes located within a few kilometers of the wellbore over the …
Strike–Slip Fault Reactivation Triggered by Hydraulic-Natural Fracture Propagation during Fracturing Stimulations near Clark Lake, Alberta
The fluid diffusion pathways through intricate hydraulic–natural fracture networks may lead
to fault reactivations. However, the underlying mechanisms are still not well understood. In …
to fault reactivations. However, the underlying mechanisms are still not well understood. In …
Disposal From In Situ Bitumen Recovery Induced the ML 5.6 Peace River Earthquake
Earthquakes induced by human activities can impede the development of underground
resources. Significant induced events (M5) have caused both economic and human losses …
resources. Significant induced events (M5) have caused both economic and human losses …
Statistical bounds on how induced seismicity stops
Earthquakes caused by human activities receive scrutiny due to the risks and hazards they
pose. Seismicity that occurs after the causative anthropogenic operation stops has been …
pose. Seismicity that occurs after the causative anthropogenic operation stops has been …
Correlation between poroelastic stress perturbation and multidisposal wells induced earthquake sequence in Cushing, Oklahoma
Over 100 small‐to moderate‐sized earthquakes, including an Mw 5.0 event, were detected
during September 2015 to November 2016 near the town of Cushing, Oklahoma. The …
during September 2015 to November 2016 near the town of Cushing, Oklahoma. The …
Numerical simulation study of enhanced geothermal system modification and heat mining performance under cyclic injection
T Yin, H Dai, D Zhuang, Y Wu, Y Chen, C Liu… - Applied Thermal …, 2024 - Elsevier
Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) involve complex thermal–hydraulic-mechanical (THM)
coupling. The reservoir's permeability evolution and heat extraction characteristics under …
coupling. The reservoir's permeability evolution and heat extraction characteristics under …
En echelon faults reactivated by wastewater disposal near Musreau Lake, Alberta
We use machine-learning and cross-correlation techniques to enhance earthquake
detectability by two magnitude units for the earthquake sequence near Musreau Lake …
detectability by two magnitude units for the earthquake sequence near Musreau Lake …