The ergodic side of the many‐body localization transition

DJ Luitz, YB Lev - Annalen der Physik, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Recent studies point towards nontriviality of the ergodic phase in systems exhibiting many‐
body localization (MBL), which shows subexponential relaxation of local observables …

Distinguishing localization from chaos: Challenges in finite-size systems

DA Abanin, JH Bardarson, G De Tomasi… - Annals of Physics, 2021 - Elsevier
We re-examine attempts to study the many-body localization transition using measures that
are physically natural on the ergodic/quantum chaotic regime of the phase diagram. Using …

Dynamical obstruction to localization in a disordered spin chain

D Sels, A Polkovnikov - Physical Review E, 2021 - APS
We analyze a one-dimensional XXZ spin chain in a disordered magnetic field. As the main
probes of the system's behavior, we use the sensitivity of eigenstates to adiabatic …

Probing many-body quantum chaos with quantum simulators

LK Joshi, A Elben, A Vikram, B Vermersch, V Galitski… - Physical Review X, 2022 - APS
The spectral form factor (SFF), characterizing statistics of energy eigenvalues, is a key
diagnostic of many-body quantum chaos. In addition, partial spectral form factors (PSFFs) …

Thermalization of dilute impurities in one-dimensional spin chains

D Sels, A Polkovnikov - Physical Review X, 2023 - APS
We analyze a crossover between ergodic and nonergodic regimes in an interacting spin
chain with a dilute density of impurities, defined as spins with a strong local field. The dilute …

Thouless energy and multifractality across the many-body localization transition

M Serbyn, Z Papić, DA Abanin - Physical Review B, 2017 - APS
Thermal and many-body localized phases are separated by a dynamical phase transition of
a new kind. We analyze the distribution of off-diagonal matrix elements of local operators …

Rare thermal bubbles at the many-body localization transition from the Fock space point of view

G De Tomasi, IM Khaymovich, F Pollmann, S Warzel - Physical Review B, 2021 - APS
In this paper we study the many-body localization (MBL) transition and relate it to the
eigenstate structure in the Fock space. Besides the standard entanglement and multifractal …

Krylov fractality and complexity in generic random matrix ensembles

B Bhattacharjee, P Nandy - Physical Review B, 2025 - APS
Krylov space methods provide an efficient framework for analyzing the static and dynamical
aspects of quantum systems, with tridiagonal matrices playing a key role. Despite their …