The ergodic side of the many‐body localization transition
Recent studies point towards nontriviality of the ergodic phase in systems exhibiting many‐
body localization (MBL), which shows subexponential relaxation of local observables …
body localization (MBL), which shows subexponential relaxation of local observables …
Distinguishing localization from chaos: Challenges in finite-size systems
We re-examine attempts to study the many-body localization transition using measures that
are physically natural on the ergodic/quantum chaotic regime of the phase diagram. Using …
are physically natural on the ergodic/quantum chaotic regime of the phase diagram. Using …
Dynamical obstruction to localization in a disordered spin chain
We analyze a one-dimensional XXZ spin chain in a disordered magnetic field. As the main
probes of the system's behavior, we use the sensitivity of eigenstates to adiabatic …
probes of the system's behavior, we use the sensitivity of eigenstates to adiabatic …
Probing many-body quantum chaos with quantum simulators
The spectral form factor (SFF), characterizing statistics of energy eigenvalues, is a key
diagnostic of many-body quantum chaos. In addition, partial spectral form factors (PSFFs) …
diagnostic of many-body quantum chaos. In addition, partial spectral form factors (PSFFs) …
Critical properties of the Anderson transition on random graphs: Two-parameter scaling theory, Kosterlitz-Thouless type flow, and many-body localization
The Anderson transition in random graphs has raised great interest, partly out of the hope
that its analogy with the many-body localization (MBL) transition might lead to a better …
that its analogy with the many-body localization (MBL) transition might lead to a better …
Thermalization of dilute impurities in one-dimensional spin chains
We analyze a crossover between ergodic and nonergodic regimes in an interacting spin
chain with a dilute density of impurities, defined as spins with a strong local field. The dilute …
chain with a dilute density of impurities, defined as spins with a strong local field. The dilute …
Thouless energy and multifractality across the many-body localization transition
Thermal and many-body localized phases are separated by a dynamical phase transition of
a new kind. We analyze the distribution of off-diagonal matrix elements of local operators …
a new kind. We analyze the distribution of off-diagonal matrix elements of local operators …
Rare thermal bubbles at the many-body localization transition from the Fock space point of view
In this paper we study the many-body localization (MBL) transition and relate it to the
eigenstate structure in the Fock space. Besides the standard entanglement and multifractal …
eigenstate structure in the Fock space. Besides the standard entanglement and multifractal …
Krylov fractality and complexity in generic random matrix ensembles
Krylov space methods provide an efficient framework for analyzing the static and dynamical
aspects of quantum systems, with tridiagonal matrices playing a key role. Despite their …
aspects of quantum systems, with tridiagonal matrices playing a key role. Despite their …