Marketing in the Metaverse: Conceptual understanding, framework, and research agenda
A hyper-connected digital universe referred to as the 'metaverse'bears the promise of
fundamentally changing how consumers, brands, and firms will transact and interact in a …
fundamentally changing how consumers, brands, and firms will transact and interact in a …
Research in marketing strategy
Marketing strategy is a construct that lies at the conceptual heart of the field of strategic
marketing and is central to the practice of marketing. It is also the area within which many of …
marketing and is central to the practice of marketing. It is also the area within which many of …
[HTML][HTML] Unravelling the techno-functional building blocks of metaverse ecosystems–a review and research agenda
The metaverse as a hyper-connected digital cosmos, holds great potential for resha** the
future of business and consumer interactions in a world where different virtual realities blend …
future of business and consumer interactions in a world where different virtual realities blend …
Business strategy and the management of digital marketing
The internet brought disruptive change to the business landscape through the creation of a
whole host of digital marketing tactics. But with these new tactical options has come the …
whole host of digital marketing tactics. But with these new tactical options has come the …
The value relevance of digital marketing capabilities to firm performance
Digital transformation of the marketing organization forces firms to develop new digital
marketing capabilities (DMCs) to remain competitive. However, despite considerable …
marketing capabilities (DMCs) to remain competitive. However, despite considerable …
Customer experience driven business model innovation
Business model innovation (BMI) is critical to a firm's ability to achieve growth and long-term
viability. It helps improve the value of products or services and/or delivery of these offerings …
viability. It helps improve the value of products or services and/or delivery of these offerings …
Benchmarking for organisational competitiveness: a resource-based view perspective
Purpose The paper tries to investigate the impact of applications of the resource-based view
(RBV) theory in the management field to improve the firm's profitability. Global firms are …
(RBV) theory in the management field to improve the firm's profitability. Global firms are …
Actor engagement as a microfoundation for value co-creation
The starting point for this research is that value co-creation is difficult to observe empirically,
whereas actor engagement is observable and thus more likely to be designable and …
whereas actor engagement is observable and thus more likely to be designable and …
Assessing performance outcomes in marketing
Research in marketing has increasingly focused on building knowledge about how firms'
marketing contributes to performance outcomes. A key precursor to accurately diagnosing …
marketing contributes to performance outcomes. A key precursor to accurately diagnosing …
The future of B2B marketing theory: A historical and prospective analysis
The economic power of B2B transactions hasn't been reflected in the amount of published
research in marketing journals, and the relevance for practitioners of the studies issued has …
research in marketing journals, and the relevance for practitioners of the studies issued has …